

— nyantastic Report User
Outrageous 56 comments
nyantastic · 7 years ago
gay people are pretty fabulous my dude, they make the movie even better
Outrageous 56 comments
nyantastic · 7 years ago
the only reasons i can think of why anyone would be mad about it is either disney portrayed a villain as gay and a bit stereotypical so that could be considered insulting?? idk man, or they're just homophobic
Extra Virgin anyone? 15 comments
nyantastic · 7 years ago
thank you for this! i have a pretty large chest, so it's relieving to find ways to prevent the inevitable sagging of them for a bit longer ;u;;
Tiny Trump 6 comments
nyantastic · 7 years ago
his hands are finally proportionate to the rest of his body now!
*grabs cop p*rn* 48 comments
nyantastic · 7 years ago
@kittycat what about those scenarios where one person has to kill the other and eat them or else they'll both die?
sorry, i'll stop being a smart ass, but really
as far as i read, your facts ARE sound, but again, your reasoning for it being bad is still just opinion. there's really no benefit of keeping an unwanted baby other than that the baby is alive, and even then, the kid will likely grow up miserably in an unfit home, or in an orphanage if it's not adopted. when you consider all of the benefits to abortion (the happiness and health of the mother and family, stem cell research, biological research, among many many cures that could save lives and be formulated, overpopulation rates, etc etc), would you rather have a miserable hurting woman with a baby she doesn't want, or would you rather have hundreds, thousands of lives being saved by what could be created using these cells?
*grabs cop p*rn* 48 comments
nyantastic · 7 years ago
Aborted fetuses can actually be used for their stem cells to help dwarf and possibly stop the spread of cancerous cells! abortion can help cure cancer in safer ways than radiation. using stem cells can open more doors in the medical and scientific communities with cell restoration, thus helping cure both cancer and aids!
Why aren't we funding this 30 comments
nyantastic · 7 years ago
more or less. i think rape should just be taken more seriously and rapists should get longer prison sentences tbh
Why aren't we funding this 30 comments
nyantastic · 7 years ago
@fatpenguin there's a difference between forcing someone into sex and probably destroying their mental health and stealing a loaf of bread or christmas ornament
Why aren't we funding this 30 comments
nyantastic · 7 years ago
good idea, crush the guys balls just like he probably crushed the woman mental health and trust
Spank me, minister 16 comments
nyantastic · 7 years ago
is it just be or does trump look like a constipated toad