Can you imagine those family dinners? 11 comments
· 6 years ago
Floki, from Vikings
Jonny kim: Soldier, doctor, astronaut 3 comments
Fun fact 10 comments
· 6 years ago
This is false. It actually derived its name the fact that are only 64 such machines on Earth.
The 65th onward are Nintendo 69s: in-brand knockoffs marketted as 64s for sales after they realize people would see the name, say 'nice', and walk away without buying.
The 65th onward are Nintendo 69s: in-brand knockoffs marketted as 64s for sales after they realize people would see the name, say 'nice', and walk away without buying.
*laugh in thai* 8 comments
This bookclub must be amazing 8 comments
One million kids praying for world peace at a temple in Thailand 6 comments
· 9 years ago
While this is heart warming and all, I have to step in.
I'm Thai, and this here is the Dhammakaya temple where they don't pray for anything in particuar. They have a huge following that is strongly boycotted by the rest of the Buddhist population for preaching that nirvana can be achieved through donating large, self-robbing amount of cash I have a few relatives and many acquintances who are Dhamakaya followers, and I'll be damned if they're not collectively misguided. The money goes to dodgy ventires and gilded robes and parades. In a sense, using this as an icon i like representing Christianity with the Westboro baptists.
I checked the news and history of the temple and found no record of a million children/adults praying for peace there. Sorry to crap on your party, but I really can't sit there and let this wretched place become an icon. Not this site, not internationally.
Edited 9 years ago
I'm Thai, and this here is the Dhammakaya temple where they don't pray for anything in particuar. They have a huge following that is strongly boycotted by the rest of the Buddhist population for preaching that nirvana can be achieved through donating large, self-robbing amount of cash I have a few relatives and many acquintances who are Dhamakaya followers, and I'll be damned if they're not collectively misguided. The money goes to dodgy ventires and gilded robes and parades. In a sense, using this as an icon i like representing Christianity with the Westboro baptists.
I checked the news and history of the temple and found no record of a million children/adults praying for peace there. Sorry to crap on your party, but I really can't sit there and let this wretched place become an icon. Not this site, not internationally.
It kinda makes sense 7 comments
A hammock tent like no other 9 comments
· 11 years ago
Maybe a hammock, yeah, but tent? Naw. That thing will make it impossible to put your belongings in order
Things that happen when you have a bad day 17 comments
· 11 years ago
Pity the Canadians :/ Maybe Papua New Guinea. I never heard anyone from Papua New Guinea complain about him
His name should be captain thor: Hulk of iron 11 comments
· 11 years ago
I like dreaming but I'm not a fan of being depressed. What's a good halfway point?
Every flipin time 90 comments