Obscured Angel


— Obscured Angel Report User
Lewis Spears searches for doctors at an anti-vax rally 4 comments
obscuredangel · 6 years ago
"Why would a doctor be here?"
"You're right, they wouldn't be here"
I agree, this guy is awesome!
This show keeps me running back 2 comments
obscuredangel · 6 years ago
I can't be the only one that thinks using someone's skin color as a descriptor isn't offensive, it's no worse than saying blond or blue-eyed. It only becomes an insult when you use it as a way to judge people, "You're black? You must be from the hood", same as "You're blond? You must be dumb". If you stop making skin color an issue, it'll stop being an issue.
In the End 7 comments
obscuredangel · 6 years ago
The one on the horse might be trick riding not falling
Daddy's little girls never grow 8 comments
obscuredangel · 6 years ago
She was really struggling with that lid for a while (Link to video for those interested)
I wish they were my uncles 8 comments
obscuredangel · 6 years ago
The large companies who own the copyrights would probably never find out since it's a small bakery. Nevertheless, if they ever did find out (a picture on the bakery's website, social media, etc.) than the bakery could be in a world of expensive legal trouble if the copyright owner decided to take legal action. Their just being cautious, that's all.
I wish they were my uncles 8 comments
obscuredangel · 6 years ago
It's not the buyer who would get into trouble, it's the business. You need to pay for a license to use copyrighted images, characters, names, etc. Which would be hard to do, because they would need a license for every single brand they'd print.
It's like if you drew a picture and posted it on the Internet: the picture and copyright is yours, and someone can't just print your design on a t-shirt and sell it, they need your permission.
Is it a repost?! :-( 20 comments
obscuredangel · 6 years ago
I thought it was from a former bully
I feel like I should start a Daily Dose of Dark Humor 16 comments
obscuredangel · 6 years ago
Not everyone likes exercise, and not everyone needs to exercise. As long as you are declared physically healthy by a doctor, you don't need an excuse to not workout.
I don't know why but I'm strangely attracted to her. 16 comments
obscuredangel · 6 years ago
Y'all might want to read the fourth definition. I'm not sure if it's better or worse...
these are the funniest little commercials I have seen on a while 4 comments
obscuredangel · 6 years ago
These were great! Thank you for sharing!
Sometimes It's Not About The Prize 14 comments
obscuredangel · 6 years ago
Should anyone be interested in watching him and his friend ride the wave:
Elephants foot compared to humans foot 11 comments
obscuredangel · 6 years ago
All mammals have the same general bone structure, they are just differently shaped.
I think the live action reenactments would've taken the magic away 10 comments
obscuredangel · 6 years ago
Ron! Ron! Ron Weasley!
Heard about Mansplaining? 8 comments
obscuredangel · 6 years ago
I've seen it used in the context of simple being condescending to a woman, but what you are saying does make much more sense Fox.
Back in my day 4 comments
obscuredangel · 6 years ago
People like their privacy. I bet you don't want your parents and friends to know everything you are doing at every single moment in time, so why would you want the government to know about everything you do? Every single thing you type, look up, search, read, post? Where your cellphone has been, who you called, texted? Why does the government even need to know these things, much less need to store the information somewhere?
You should have the freedom to do whatever you want (within reason) without someone looking over your shoulder and registering everything you do.
I understand that part of it is for security, and you're right, there probably isn't a government worker monitoring every single thing you do, but still:
"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
Heard about Mansplaining? 8 comments
obscuredangel · 6 years ago
Mansplaining is a made up word by extreme feminist that means being patronizing and condescending to a woman. Personally I think it just another way to try and victimize themselves.
Doing the right thing 15 comments
obscuredangel · 6 years ago
Do you mean the learners and beginners have lower speed limits? Because that sounds more dangerous than anything else. More experience drivers would get impatient and try to cut the learner off, so no wonder no one respects them.
Deaf Singer Gives An Inspiring Performance 6 comments
obscuredangel · 6 years ago
For those wondering, the hand waving thing Howie is doing in place of applauding is the sign language equivalent of applauding.
When you are only allowed to take one A4 sheet to finals 18 comments
obscuredangel · 7 years ago
I'm sure some High School teachers with a good sens of humor would let it pass, but when it comes to college and university, I really wouldn't risk it, especially since it's not always the professor that supervises the exam.
When you are only allowed to take one A4 sheet to finals 18 comments
obscuredangel · 7 years ago
Teachers actually check the cheat sheet during the exam and then ask you to hand it in at the end with your name on it. It would take but a quick glance for them to notice the ruse. Not to mention, hand writing rarely produces perfectly uniform letters. Good thinking though.
When you are only allowed to take one A4 sheet to finals 18 comments
obscuredangel · 7 years ago
You laugh, but I actually did that for one test ;)
Problem is, most teachers want you to hand write it, that way it can't be shared between students.
When you are only allowed to take one A4 sheet to finals 18 comments
obscuredangel · 7 years ago
Some of the words are in thicker writing or highlighted. If they used the same technic as I do, than those are the themes/keywords/subjects, and everything that follows (until the next keyword) has to do with that word.
Also, when you do something like this, you generally have a pretty good idea of what's where on your sheet, and then the keywords help narrow it down.
Joey does have a point 3 comments
obscuredangel · 7 years ago
I think here they are talking about a solid soap bar, because if you use liquid soap, this doesn't really apply.
Beautiful cover design for harry potter books 6 comments
obscuredangel · 7 years ago
There are actually fully illustrated versions of the first two Harry Potter books. I saw them at a book store and they were absolutely stunning. Though they were very large and cost 50CAD each.
Party queen 16 comments
obscuredangel · 7 years ago
I hope you had a happy birthday! Was it on the 5th or 6th?