

Occams_Gillette Report User
*tries so hard not to be a perv* just relaxing time 9 comments
occams_gillette · 7 years ago
What the fuck?
Logic 11 comments
occams_gillette · 7 years ago
False equivalences. ADDRESS IT.
Does she really need a reason? 13 comments
occams_gillette · 7 years ago
Wow someone's going for the "dumbest internet comment" award! Hope to see you in the finals, buddy. Keep at it, you're on a roll.
It's trying to say something 5 comments
occams_gillette · 7 years ago
I thought it was a smurf giving a blowjob.
Media 13 comments
occams_gillette · 7 years ago
this is probably the stupidest shit I've ever seen.
President of Croatia, admiring Trump 6 comments
occams_gillette · 7 years ago
no wonder y'all are virgins you can't read a facial expression to save your life. This is the face of a woman who is dead inside but forced to smile by reason of her public position.
8 · Edited 7 years ago
Infinite energy 10 comments
occams_gillette · 7 years ago
Maybe they downvoted you because saying "insert x meme here" is lamer than Stephen Hawking.
Helena Bonham Carter shows incredible acting range 15 comments
occams_gillette · 7 years ago
Clearly y'all have never seen the king's speech.
When You're Too Smart 10 comments
occams_gillette · 7 years ago
Hey there, troll.
When You're Too Smart 10 comments
occams_gillette · 7 years ago
Tell that to Richard Feynman. he prided himself on being able to devise ways to explain even the most profound ideas to beginning students. If he couldn't do it, he knew he didn't understand it well enough. THAT'S a great man and educator, not this meme's juvenile bullshit. This link has a source https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Talk:Richard_Feynman.
When You're Too Smart 10 comments
occams_gillette · 7 years ago
This is probably the douchiest thing I've ever read. If you can't explain something simply, then you don't really know what you're talking about.
That peeling feeling 4 comments
occams_gillette · 7 years ago
This hurts my soul :0
Mood 11 comments
occams_gillette · 7 years ago
Yeah this is describing actual depression.
Hardcore 5 comments
occams_gillette · 7 years ago
Because you have to continuously hold the button down with your hand to make it even stay on.
Why is everything getting more expensive 44 comments
occams_gillette · 8 years ago
Yugoslavia doesn't exist. It dissolved in the 1980s. You're obviously a troll. Cya fucker.
1 · Edited 8 years ago
True actually 8 comments
occams_gillette · 8 years ago
You completely missed the point. The point isn't "blame some English dude" the point is "wars are fucking stupid."
Robots/AI are coming 26 comments
occams_gillette · 8 years ago
if we can come up with an efficient way to manufacture them they should cost as much as 75% less to manufacture.
I wouldn't hate my job nearly as much if I had a chair 37 comments
occams_gillette · 8 years ago
It's not about being strenuous it's about how there's literally no reason for them NOT to sit.
I wouldn't hate my job nearly as much if I had a chair 37 comments
occams_gillette · 8 years ago
Why is it mutually exclusive to say "sitting all day sucks" and also that "standing all day sucks"? Both are obviously true and workers as human beings have a right to try to improve their lives and not have their health destroyed by totally unnecessary requirements.
I wouldn't hate my job nearly as much if I had a chair 37 comments
occams_gillette · 8 years ago
Why is this even an argument? "It doesn't make sense in my line of work so therefore everyone else isn't allowed to want a completely reasonable fix in their own job" Cashiers just stand there. Unless it's a small business they don't have (and often aren't allowed) to walk around. It makes perfect sense that they have a chair. Why are you being a jackass?
The benefits of m*sturbation for women 26 comments
occams_gillette · 8 years ago
Lots of straight women don't orgasm during sex. http://abcnews.go.com/Health/ReproductiveHealth/sex-study-female-orgasm-eludes-majority-women/story?id=8485289 The benefits come from orgasming, which is usually guaranteed with masturbation.
Feminism in a nutshell 24 comments
occams_gillette · 8 years ago
Oh damn you right. I shouldn't be upset about being screamed at on the street because worse things are happening. Makes perfect fucking sense. Fuck off.
Now that is some amazing breakfast 6 comments
occams_gillette · 8 years ago