I'm so sick seeing this bs 67 comments
· 8 years ago
Ok if someone cannot survive without a machine or be self sustained does that mean they are not human? also chilled how are they not human i have explained how they are but saying they are a lump of cells is not explaining it like i said you are a bundle of cells and yet again that is one of the scientific features of a living creature. It literally says if you are a bundle of cells you are a living creature. So you are right you are killing a living creature except that living creature is a human
I'm so sick seeing this bs 67 comments
· 8 years ago
The problem is its a living creature regardless of how developed it is it is alive it is human so just because you wanted to have sex does not mean you can take away the consequences of that by killing another human being it is unethical and i have yet to see how it is not a human being it fits the description of a living creature scientifically and it also cannot be another species because only humans can make other humans
I'm so sick seeing this bs 67 comments
· 8 years ago
it is not just a clump of cells and it does have a nervous system that develops at 20 weeks as my source said. it is developing organs a heart and a brain otherwise how can it eat and yet again by the scientific definition of a living being it is alive and also it is human as it cannot change species.
I'm so sick seeing this bs 67 comments
· 8 years ago
alright well you are also a bundle of cells that is after all one of the traits for living things. Also here is a site that explains it also my bad it was not 6-8 but 20 weeks. http://www.doctorsonfetalpain.com/
I'm so sick seeing this bs 67 comments
· 8 years ago
well i said up there the only exceptions for abortion are rape victims and if it endangers the woman. Also yes they are scientifically classed as a human. They share the same traits as us and im pretty sure they cant change species after they are born. They match up to the traits of a living thing except reproduction but there are adults who can reproduce yet either. So I fail to see how they are not a human being. Heck they can feel pain at 6-8 weeks.
I'm so sick seeing this bs 67 comments
· 8 years ago
ok well there is always the idea that you dont always need to have sex in the first place and how many of the people trying to get abortions have taken all the precautions they could have taken?
I'm so sick seeing this bs 67 comments
· 8 years ago
Its probably cause they disagree with you. I disagree but i dont down vote i dont believe in that. I came to argue dough so here we go. If there is another human being inside of the woman's body then you dont just get to kill it. You are killing another human being the only reasonable times are when you have the two rare cases of rape and if it becomes a threat to the mother. That is all just because you had sex without birth control and a condom they dont get to kill another human being.
well 50 comments
well 50 comments
*wiggles eyebrows* 36 comments
· 8 years ago
yet again I dont call gay people faggots i dont care if gay people are gay im saying though me and my friends call each other faggots and its funny
*wiggles eyebrows* 36 comments
· 8 years ago
ok I wanna make something clear i dont call gay people these names these are just names me and my friends call each other and chill yet again if you dont think they're funny it does not mean they are to everybody.
*wiggles eyebrows* 36 comments
· 8 years ago
i said the trigger warnings? also depends what slur is calling someone a faggot or gay is not what i would say is a slur i think it is funny too
*wiggles eyebrows* 36 comments
· 8 years ago
lol i think they're funny and so do a decent amount of people sorry if you are the king of humor and this does not entertain you.
College education for everyone 7 comments
· 8 years ago
College education cannot be free someone has to pay for it. Making it low would mean that the government needs to stop getting into it and allowing people to take out loans. We have no fair way that we could pay for this. Taking money from the rich is not fair and people do not wanna pay for someone else college. I am sorry but it just doesnt work out in a country this large.
This should be the focus 23 comments
· 8 years ago
yep except that is not the case anymore im just saying people will be who they are regardless of what we say or do to stop that. Teenage boys will make fun of boys for wearing pink or possibly a different color in the future it is the way we are so you just have to ignore it.
This should be the focus 23 comments
· 8 years ago
Depends bullying usually is just people being a dick which happens I have very rarely come across cases of physical violence but boys will make fun of each other for wearing pink while at least the guys i know in my high school because it is not manly. I know everyone is gonna say that well colors are gender oriented well im sorry but where im from they are and its the way it works and it is how the genders work.
This should be the focus 23 comments
· 8 years ago
My dad told me to go fight him and after he kicked the shiz outta me he had slightly more respect for me and eventually i grew bigger then him in high school and started to kick the shiz outta him till he stopped.
*Comment War Begins* 130 comments
· 8 years ago
ima be honest idgaf about the women who choose risky operations. Here is the thing i care about the fetus more because it does not have a choice yet. It is a human being and i have yet to see someone show me otherwise. I dont care about pro lifers so if you dont think its human tell me why. Yet again just because teens have sex does not put them above the consequence as ilikemoderation said people will smoke and get lung cancer but they knew what the risk was. Im also guessing you are talking about a very small minority of people using coat hangers not having a safe option will push off many of the people looking for one.
*Comment War Begins* 130 comments
· 8 years ago
Here is my issue the women chooses to have sex knowing the what happens after if she chooses to have sex she is responsible if she becomes pregnant. I also cant believe you are justifying the murder of another human being simply because it puts the women through some pain boo hoo. I am also gonna say a women does not have a right to be pain free while another human does have the right to live. Honestly you are pretty much talking like a nazi. You are dehumanizing another human in order to justify the killing of it. Its not fair you get to take someones chance to live life because you had sex and you didnt want to deal with the consequence. If they are raped ok i understand but honestly most cases are their fault. Most people getting abortions are not being raped or have a serious risk. The whole point of the argument is you are killing another human and the sad part is that is ok for you.
*Comment War Begins* 130 comments
· 8 years ago
Ok so you are basically killing a human because it is not self sufficient. Do you kill the physically handicapped and the mentally feeble too. that is basically what you said. As for sincere 8 weeks in the baby responds to touch actually so there is evidence it can feel things. http://www.doctorsonfetalpain.com/ read that. Now the issue with the women rights is you are putting one human being above another human being it shouldn't be that way. If the women is responsible for the baby in any way shape or form it is her job to take care of the baby. Just because you got careless does not mean you get to kill another human being.
*Comment War Begins* 130 comments
· 8 years ago
I just fail to see in what way the fetus lacks the title of human. First off it is a living creature by scientific terms. Second it is a human because it is going to be a human in the future and im unaware of people being able to switch species. It can also feel emotions and can feel pain 6 weeks in and can have basics thoughts as well. Im sorry but it sure as heck looks like a human to me. With that i can say you are literally justifying the killing of other human beings by dehumanizing them. The funny part is that sounds very similar in history.
*Comment War Begins* 130 comments
· 8 years ago
Actually everyone is technically a bundle of cells and what defines a proper person?