

OGchucknorris Report User
askies 3 comments
ogchucknorris · 7 years ago
idek why im laughing his stupid face omg
It ain't easy being Spider-Man 2 comments
ogchucknorris · 7 years ago
ima be real I would be fd you can call me what you want but im a male teen dont judge me fam
Life is too fair 2 comments
ogchucknorris · 7 years ago
no because the level of unfairness differs making it unfair to everyone but not fair.
To be fair I am usually rushing in the morning 4 comments
ogchucknorris · 7 years ago
I have a spot like right on the edge of my chin and i miss it every fing time.
I should go to Japan 5 comments
ogchucknorris · 7 years ago
what is weird was this was all my beaner friends at the pool.
Best and worst FOOD 51 comments
ogchucknorris · 7 years ago
weight lost is posted twice but i find it funny because honestly none of the foods listed under good for you seemed filling at all. Like im not gonna eat 50 berries of some kind for a meal.
We really just need to make this change already. 24 comments
ogchucknorris · 7 years ago
it would be extremely hard I mean construction, cooking, (any blue collar job) would change considerably and not to mention getting every single school in the U.S. to convert to teaching metric. I just dont know if americans care enough and if it would really be worth it. Do you really think construction companies would pay to change all their measurements just to fit in with the rest of the world I wouldnt.
Olympic Vaulting has also progressed a wee bit over the years 5 comments
ogchucknorris · 7 years ago
I think all sports have gone up from where they used to be. People get into them from an early age and perfect them whereas people who just had it as a hobby could compete cannot compete anymore with people who do it for a living.
Oh walmart, seriously? 6 comments
ogchucknorris · 7 years ago
My sister used to work at walmart and the benefits were really amazing
Is it grey or gray? 11 comments
ogchucknorris · 7 years ago
it was a joke and you all missed it
Is it grey or gray? 11 comments
ogchucknorris · 7 years ago
if there is not an a in aint gray
Can we get some recognition for The Desert Fox? 33 comments
ogchucknorris · 7 years ago
Idc how I sound The pointlessness in this argument is that you cannot prove or tell how someone was from history. I believe hitler did care for his people. I believe though that he had a terrible way of doing it. He wanted the german aryan people to have everything to own the world. I dont believe that any of these people were good but I do not feel I am in a position to say wether or not they felt a way or that their actions were good. I will say though from my interpretation. Any man who plots to kill his leader is a coward. The allies created a hitler they created a WW2. You act as if germany and adolf are not associated. Hitler spoke for the german people he commanded them and they accepted it. You dont know that he was trying to save his country like Idk if he was saving himself. All I can see is that he acted without a spine to betray his own commander something that no soldier should ever do.
Can we get some recognition for The Desert Fox? 33 comments
ogchucknorris · 7 years ago
You think you can just replace your top general with anybody you retard. Also im only condemning him because he turned around last minute near the end of the war. If he was so determined with trying to save his family why is it he endangered them near the end by trying to kill their leader? He did fight with honor but he through it away when he attempted to assassinate his own leader. Take a play from Genghis khan one of the greatest generals killed all the soldiers who betrayed his rival because he knew that their was no greater dishonor than turning on your leader. I have studied WW2 for the majority of my life and let me just say that in no way shape or form did any of the nazi generals who attempted to kill adolf wre thinking about the german people. They thought of themselves and they are cowards regardless. Its easy for us to justify it because we were fighting against them but trust me had it been any other country during this time and all of you would change your opinions.
Can we get some recognition for The Desert Fox? 33 comments
ogchucknorris · 7 years ago
The question I have is why if he was such a good guy did he just stand by quietly and allow hitler to do what he did. He knew about everything that was going on with the jews and with the polish and all the other groups but he did nothing. Not till the end of the war did he actually try to kill hitler. Even If he was fighting for Germany he was still fighting for Hitler. Germany was doing terrible things at the time due to their leaders and rommel never officially went against that. He probably extended the war by fighting for Germany. I do not doubt his genius but I fail to see how honorable he was when he turns his back on his leader near the end of the war when they are losing. Him and all the other general tried to kill hitler near the end because he was making stupid decisions and they thought they could come to peace after he was dead I am failing to see how that is honorable.
Can we get some recognition for The Desert Fox? 33 comments
ogchucknorris · 7 years ago
Yeah and he also fought battles for a maniac who committed mass genocide and enslaved most of europe.
Can we get some recognition for The Desert Fox? 33 comments
ogchucknorris · 7 years ago
true what I said was a mistake. I will admit that after much consideration I will rebuke that claim but in the case of rommel he was a man who was looking out for his own skin he had no care for saving other people.
Can we get some recognition for The Desert Fox? 33 comments
ogchucknorris · 7 years ago
OMG what a good point oh man now i see how wrong I am oh gee wiz let me just reverse everything here.
Can we get some recognition for The Desert Fox? 33 comments
ogchucknorris · 7 years ago
Is that a reason to praise him? There were plenty of good germans who died fighting in that war. I am sorry but when you fight and protect a man who is committing atrocities and you know about it then that blood is on your hands too. He stood by and accepted it he fought for the leaders who condoned it. He was no better than them the difference is he wasnt willing to go for the ship that he help set sail.
Can we get some recognition for The Desert Fox? 33 comments
ogchucknorris · 7 years ago
He followed Hitler. He fought for Hitler won plenty of battles for him. It is not like he didnt know what hitlers intentions or what he was doing in germany. He and all these generals just decided what he was doing was wrong and tried to kill him when they were losing the war. They did this because they knew that hitler would not truce and that the allies were coming for hitler. They thought if they killed him they could save their own skin Rommel knew the war was over. Hitler gave rommel his position his army and rommel spat back into his face. I know what Hitler did was wrong but to turn your back on your leader simply because you were losing the war does not make you any better of a person as much as you guys like to think.
Can we get some recognition for The Desert Fox? 33 comments
ogchucknorris · 7 years ago
do you think im trolling? I guess it doesnt matter just shows me you had nothing to argue with in the first place.
Can we get some recognition for The Desert Fox? 33 comments
ogchucknorris · 7 years ago
He was a coward not a man but a pig. He knew exactly who adolf hitler was I read his biography there was no deception There was a whole chapter on hate speech towards other races and yet he fought and won battles for him. He knew about everything hitler was doing but he still stood up for him and I can respect that. Instead he turned his back on hitler not because he disagreed with what he did but because he was losing the war. He thought he could get away if he cut off the head. He and all the other swine who turned tail the minute things are not going great. Do not tell me to respect or attempt to understand this man. To think you would all respect him is a shame and a joke.
Can we get some recognition for The Desert Fox? 33 comments
ogchucknorris · 7 years ago
what is your definition then? I am trying to say he betrayed his leader your job as a soldier is not to question or attempt to kill your leader but to protect and follow them.
· Edited 7 years ago
Can we get some recognition for The Desert Fox? 33 comments
ogchucknorris · 7 years ago
A good man but not a good soldier. A soldier follows orders to the end without question. Soldiers are meant to be really a machine
The victory of the nerd 6 comments
ogchucknorris · 7 years ago
lol dude he would have a lot but he is a chronic gambler. The people who hang out with him say he bets like 10,000 on holes in golf.
In the name of Odin! 25 comments
ogchucknorris · 7 years ago
yeah I get what you are saying