if you're reading this, you have achieved true procrastination.— Cole Report User
when you're arguing on fs and the other guy deletes his comments making u look stupid 23 comments
· 4 years ago
Damn, I do
Beautiful... 5 comments
· 9 years ago
frankly i'd get the fuck out of there. idk what that is but its scary as shit
Bush stories never get old 7 comments
· 9 years ago
i wouldn't necessarily call it believable, sure bush might have been a dumb president (that's an opinion everyone's entitled to) but I really don't think a Yale graduate wouldn't know what brazil is
Welcome to religion in period 3 and 4 34 comments
· 9 years ago
thank you for saying this. some poeple like to say "christians are just as bad as muslims" which is entirely wrong, yes the old testament does have some bad rules and crap but christians generally don't even follow those rules anymore, but muslims still take into account all the rules presented to them in the quran
Deal with it, society 11 comments
· 9 years ago
hitler wasn't christian, he misinterpreted one verse in the bible, and once he got in power HE CHANGED THE STATE RELIGION TO NAZISM. obviously there are bad christians but hitler wasn't one of em
Can't hold it in 13 comments
· 9 years ago
its true for a lot of people's beliefs unfortunately. look, you can believe what you want to, you have the right, but dont shove it in my throat okay
I signed it. Will you? Link in comments! 38 comments
93% of the kids in Finland who start high school will Finnish 26 comments
· 9 years ago
thank you for making that point - people who are not swedish make up for 65% of people who are in poverty in Sweden yet almost everyone is white - so maybe it's not the socialism that makes them 'succesful', its their racism
*white boy voice* 30 comments
93% of the kids in Finland who start high school will Finnish 26 comments
· 9 years ago
they're not even really socialist - the WSJ has done a national economic freedom ranking thing and finland ranks higher than the US (which is a capitalist country obviously) in business freedom, trade freedom and monetary freedom - if they were truly socialistic, they would rank extremely low in these categories. And also, if finalnd was a US state, it would rank as the 5th poorest state, which to me doesn't really seem like they're doing all TOO well. Go ahead and hand me your Bernie Sanders downvote but im just saying
You go bats! (I'm not gay... I'm just Batman!) 13 comments
· 9 years ago
i guess its like gay people dont get enough positive comments or something so they need cheering on idk
93% of the kids in Finland who start high school will Finnish 26 comments
· 9 years ago
while they do have the highest PISA scores that graph doesn't have countries like the US, whose average is only 24 points lower than finland
while they do have the highest PISA scores that graph doesn't have countries like the US, whose average is only 24 points lower than finland
You go bats! (I'm not gay... I'm just Batman!) 13 comments
You go bats! (I'm not gay... I'm just Batman!) 13 comments
That should do the trick! 29 comments