This is a good deal for the school! 3 comments
· 6 years ago
Money you get from Kohl’s ( a department store) when you spend a certain amount. For example: spend $50 get $10 kohl’s cash. It’s money you can only spend at Kohl’s
Fat shaming friday 10 comments
· 6 years ago
Because the world is full of people who are dumb and are afraid of offending the fat person and think it’s okay to shame the skinny one. I don’t agree at all, if anorexia is in the DSM as a disorder because you put yourself on danger being so skinny then the opposite should also be true. The dsm should include the obese version on the opposite end of the anorexia spectrum.
This needs to be a movie 23 comments
Vegans are left with no choice 7 comments
Good Luck! 13 comments
· 6 years ago
I know this is from years ago but it still applies! I have a final on Monday and here I am instead of at least being on quizlet lmao
Thee best web community ive come across by far 19 comments
More money = more doggos 4 comments
This dude is smart 11 comments
· 8 years ago
Also why I wear my gold ring and ear rings , well, more for like if I'm in a situation were I have nothing to get home I can sell the gold
Rashida Jones responds to Reporter questions 5 comments
Hungry? 2am chili 28 comments
· 8 years ago
Update* I just cooked this, and it's SOOO good. This is my first time making non-vegetarian chili and I'm VERY satisfied.
Dogs stay with humans regardless of their status 10 comments
u dumb bruh 14 comments
· 8 years ago
Some guy got up in the middle of my CJ class because he realized he was in the wrong building lol