

“I'm not strange, weird, off, nor crazy, my reality is just different from yours." (Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland & Through the Looking-Glass)

— Enigma Report User
"The book is better" starter pack 28 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
The guest lost me when it tried to yell at the poster via the comments...
Milk went bad 4 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
Thomas Sanders.
It keeps blowing my mind 18 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
She told him he was the only one she loved.
"The book is better" starter pack 28 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
The books... ARE better...
Artist uses glowing UV paint to decorate 12 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
I'd never be able to get to sleep...
Thug Life 5 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
I think it brings out the black eyes I got
More pockets 12 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
We /need/ one.
More pockets 12 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
But I don't want a purse! I want to look dramatic pulling something out of the inside of my jacket! *huffs and goes to sulk in corner*
Anyone fancy a marathon? 19 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
Well. We're here for you.
Many people would die inside 21 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
Terrible because the feels are sometimes likely to RIP OUT YOUR SOUL THROUGH YOUR TEAR DUCTS and, you know, enslave you to suspense with TWO YEAR GAPS between three episode seasons but you know. Wonderful because /is/ wonderful. That's why it can hurt us so much.
Saw this in Tumblr 5 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
*long, hard stare*
Except I'm a writer, but the stuff I dream up in my brain is actually transferred to the page as,
'...' '...' 'Phrasing is hard'.
Many people would die inside 21 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
He's probably plotting it as we speak.
Wise words 22 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
And the address is 221b Baker Street.
Talk to people 12 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
"What you're doing? That's called Jumping."
Meme outfit 3 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
The internet is strong with this one.
And thats how houses are made 10 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
House.exe has crashed.
The internet is now closed on Sundays 8 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
*shakes head quickly* It's bad, bad. I'm going to stay right here with my fictional constructs and timey wimey, thank you.
I really hope she comes back, anyone else? 15 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
*Donna voice* Seriously, there's a tremendous amount of running involved.
I really hope she comes back, anyone else? 15 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
They got married after they met on set, and 'Jenny's' first line to the Doctor is, 'Hello Dad!' which makes this episode even weirder as that actress's dad is ACTUALLY Peter Davidson, the Fifth Doctor.
Anyone fancy a marathon? 19 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
Welcome to the Fandom! Leave your sanity and concept of time at the door! And be ready for a bumpy ride.
The internet is now closed on Sundays 8 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
You don't suppose they found a... *sideways glance* *otherways glance* *horrified whisper* Life?
Of course. 6 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
*laughter and elbows in sides*
(Thanks Monzerra c: )
· Edited 9 years ago
More pockets 12 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
And that our outside pockets aren't even pockets.
Of course. 6 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
*whispers* I was perfectly aware of that, it was a stupid attempt at a disney reference.
always 6 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
Always. My two best friends, for one thing.