

“I'm not strange, weird, off, nor crazy, my reality is just different from yours." (Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland & Through the Looking-Glass)

— Enigma Report User
Satan 17 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
Help how? I'm listening.
· Edited 9 years ago
Otherwise they will never know 7 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
I can't take the advice seriously because there's a spelling mistake.
My relationship with books 7 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
And the people around me are all,
"What? What is it?"
But all you can do is groan and gesture helplessly at the page that is ruining your life but you can't stop reading.
Notes from my lunchbox… 11 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
"Drawrings" Everybody else is looking at the notes... but... "Drawrings"?
· Edited 9 years ago
Satan 17 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
I'm gonna do this. I want to be a writer, so... You guys heard it here first...
Get your shit together China 27 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
Kisses at the end?
Could you do this? 83 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
I second this.
For you! 14 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
D'Aww. My day just got better. Thankyou.
My favorite Robin Williams character 7 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
They... they never tell you what was written on the lamp!
I see no difference 10 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
Mycroft Holmes... He owns the British Government and looks like an ostrich. There are reasons I love this show.
How to deal with b*tchy daughters 18 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
Ooh, slow down satan-genius...
Kid's martini 12 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
Done and done.
Good thing it's in Australia 6 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
Plus the sharks... And the giant-near-invisible-kill-you-in-half-an-hour Box Jellyfish...
LOL!!! :) 22 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
I sure as hell HOPE they did...
The fandom is strong in this post 33 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
Who's doing the Simulcast with me?!
Here in Australia it is likely to be some ungodly hour of the morning, but I DON'T CARE.
LOL!!! :) 22 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
"Lol" Was not an appropriate title for this post.
Good thing it's in Australia 6 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
I would leave... But... We have nice beaches, so.
A double piano 7 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
I need to see this happen. Sovereign, you are a genius.
A double piano 7 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
I want one.
Words of wisdom from Disney. 19 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
Guys. Please. FUNsubstance. FUN being the keyword here. The guest was an idiot for bringing religion into a post about DISNEY being WISE. There is no point arguing if there's a god or not.
Greatest love story ever :) 19 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
No. The spell says,
"Take true loves true form"
She would turn into the form of Shrek (an ogre) because he is her true love.
Kid's martini 12 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
Obviously. Join me, friends! Let us engage in relaxation.
Kid's martini 12 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
*kicks back*
Who said it was only for kids?
Marketing plan gone wrong 4 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
Apply water to the burned area...
Could you do this? 83 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
But... How could I leave you guys?