

“I'm not strange, weird, off, nor crazy, my reality is just different from yours." (Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland & Through the Looking-Glass)

— Enigma Report User
The last human 64 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
Thanking you. Here we go then...
I was confused. My data banks were scratched and I struggled to recover information about my creator and his work... But then the alert re-registered itself in my mind, the constant reminder.
"The girl. Where is she located?"
My sentences were still blocky and awkward to structure, but at least I was gaining fluency as the long forgotten processes reasserted themselves.
proud to be aussie 69 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
They scratch. I have a scar from a kangaroo.
I was patting it on the back, all nice like, I took a minuscule step and it whipped around, stood up to full height and swiped my face down my cheek. And then it just ambled away. And I bled a fair bit. So that put a damper on my day.
Old vs New 14 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
I'm glad someone besides me appreciates them. :) Thanks for noticing.
(In real life I just look around the room with this grin on my face and nobody gets them...)
Saw this convo... Made me giggle ^ ^ 40 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
Huzzay, a likeminded person. And from the interviews I've seen, he does just seem really nice, same with Hiddleston.
I think he's the one. 37 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
Good luck :)
The last human 64 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
(Hey, uh... do you guys mind if I join? I love writing stories....)
8 · Edited 9 years ago
I am ready 13 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
Sherlock Blue's Clues 4 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
For what?
when you get it 176 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
No, he's been popping up a bit around the posts... Tell us, Pebble, are you you back for good or just visiting?
Makes me wonder 14 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
-_- We don't say "yolo" here.
Asian dads be like 6 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
I haven't seen this video in ages.... But I still remember it....
"B+?! B+ AGAIN?!"
Old vs New 14 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
Are you my mummy?
Hedgehog to the sky 4 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
TO Infinity... and beyond!
Some of the best childhood movies 5 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
And the image captures it perfectly...
Money can't buy you happiness 7 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
And, really, isn't Funsubstance basically happiness?
What an assho-... Oh :) 14 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
We need more people like this.
The. Fanciest. Thing. Ever 3 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
Like a Sir. Also, new level in British-ness unlocked.
Very excite, much eager, wow 47 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
Ah, Suzanne Collins... The feels you created... not good.
By the way, the Mockingjay movie poster looks AMAZING.
Saw this convo... Made me giggle ^ ^ 40 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
I love how the fanfiction was about the CHEEKBONES specifically...
And yes, his voice and his acting (Specifically how marvellous he is on Sherlock) are the qualities some love (namely me).
And, plus, it's not only hot-ness that girls look for. Well... by girls I mean me... Is there anybody else here who found Sherlock's intelligence attractive before the face? Anyone? *prepares to hide in shame and rejection* *quietly* No? I'll just go in the corner then...
Dem feels 9 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
He is going somewhere. He is going good places. And if he isn't, then, he should be. Life, stop being shit for this one kid, please. Just be nice to him.
Every flipin time 90 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
No, no, shh, it's okay, we all hate people here.
Shocked lions 13 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
Bababizibabaaaaa (aaaaa,wenyamaaaa, wenyamaaa)
Shocked lions 13 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
The one on the left...
No need for logic when you're a man! 7 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
when you get it 176 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago