

“I'm not strange, weird, off, nor crazy, my reality is just different from yours." (Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland & Through the Looking-Glass)

— Enigma Report User
The sun moves too 22 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
Oh my god... Then what the hell is the SUN orbiting?!
Mario kart 7 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
*cranes backward* Wh- oh- oh god, no, please no, not the Friendship Destroyer 2000! Dammit Luigi, I trusted you! You Blue-Shell-Loving bastard!
Has to be photoshopped... 16 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
This needs to stop. Funsubbers, if you're out there, if you're willing to make a difference, we need you. Let's all band together. Dolphana abuse must stop today.
6 · Edited 9 years ago
Sounds about right 6 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
Spending video game money: Every penny counts. And if I save I can buy this, this, upgrade this... *planning intensifies*
Spending real money: Shit I don't need this but whatever, it may come in handy someday... Aaaand I'm broke.
I shall ride it into battle and it shall be glorious 18 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
Why not?! For Narnia! The short people of the world shall be no longer oppressed!
Damn those are real bananas! 4 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
What is up with his tail?
Finally! A Pope that acts like a Pope 5 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
Best idea ever.
Are they really that prolific a problem? 34 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
What state do you live in?
all aboard the freedom truck! 13 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
Well I think that would be just too much freedom, we have to stop somewhere.
How lovely ;-; 11 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
Wow... I hope they treated him well...
Pillow fight items 14 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
Unfortunately no.
Makes me wonder 14 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
*chortles* Thanks. You do that.
y'all go home to your eagles 55 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
Ah well. One day I shall find out.
People these days v-v 479 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
*pauses* *slams a bomb down on the table* Okay, I didn't want it to come to this, but we have to nuke Facebook. *places hand on big red button* Gentlemen. Ladies. The time is now.
How lovely ;-; 11 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
What was this experiment?!
all aboard the freedom truck! 13 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
And so the Americans called in the Eagles...
Meanwhile, in England 10 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
Exceptionally! *doffs hat to guest* May your times in the fandom be as incredible as the fandom itself.
Bus converted into an RV 17 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
Yes. The first time I saw it I stared gaping at it for a full minute. And that's when I knew... I'd found the one. *tears up* It was a beautiful moment. It actually exists. And it's wonderful.
· Edited 9 years ago
Me on a diet 6 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
Well... it never works for me either...
y'all go home to your eagles 55 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
Really? How is our accent weird? QLD is very Aussie, so what do we sound like to other Australians? And people in general?
Czechoslovakia 5 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
*pauses* Yep I can totally accept that. Good on him.
Makes me wonder 14 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
Well I'm not exactly calling Lucifer an idiot. I'm talking about the other idiots who use Yolo. Out of an ironic context.
I'll show you mine if you show me yours 27 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
List them.
y'all go home to your eagles 55 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
Tara, we do have methods of protection against drop bears. As mentioned above.
I have a question to put to you guys, though, is it possible NOT to have ANY accent at all? Cause I'm Australian, and I don't have an Aussie accent... or any other type of accent that I'm aware of... Is the South Australian accent the lack of an accent?
Bus converted into an RV 17 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
I'm bringing my portable wifi.