

“I'm not strange, weird, off, nor crazy, my reality is just different from yours." (Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland & Through the Looking-Glass)

— Enigma Report User
There are two kinds of people.. 3 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
I want Cumberbatch and Freeman to do this.
Epic ice cream cone 18 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
I've had one of these... It was actually frozen yoghurt and tasted disgusting.
It felt like a betrayal.
People these days v-v 479 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
*walks out of TARDIS to the empty room* Aaaand you guys made plans without me again. *pulls out phone* *dials hood* What's the status? How can I help?
Tinky Winky is a legend 6 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
*eyes narrow* I'm not sure we want to have this argument.
Twinsies!! 40 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
'Em go
This beach is all seashells 17 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
Looks pretty. Also deceptive. Also will cut your feet to bleeding ribbons.
This beach is all seashells 17 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
She sells...
Where your monsters are made 11 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
*tilts head slowly to the side*
I think we have a problem.
Goes the clock 12 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
Tick tock goes the clock,
and what now shall we play?
Tick tock goes the clock now summer's gone away...
Tick tock goes the clock,
And all the years they fly.
Tick tock and all too soon
Your love will surely die.
Tick tock goes the clock,
He cradled and he rocked her,
Tick tock goes the clock
Even for the Doctor…
M&Ms Mega, Original and Mini 13 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
*faintly* We don't have the mega ones in Australia...
Map of devices connected to the Internet 26 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
*gives a curt nod* It's settled then.
*looks at everyone else* Resistance is futile.
So confuzzled 20 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
*sox is raised up on everybody's shoulders as Mexican jingle plays* *cheering continues*
Tinky Winky is a legend 6 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
Is the Doctor somewhere in there? Because he should be.
Map of devices connected to the Internet 26 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
*mutters something indistinct to nerdfighter*
· Edited 9 years ago
People these days v-v 479 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
Is... is that even possible? To dismantle the field for even a split second would require astronomical power...
xD 24 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
True that. I found an SP buddy. But my copy of TDOTL hasn't come yet. *glares at the postage service*
How I imagine most funsubers to be 4 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
True 'dat.
Conversation pit 7 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
I need one.
People these days v-v 479 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
The... *sighs* The sheer douchebaggery. Our inventions are far too epic... they just get repelled by the field of stupidness. *indicates blackboard* I did the math.
People these days v-v 479 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
*returns to the thread* Uh... Right. Right then. That escalated quickly.
But you've all forgotten one thing.
*snatches it off the floor* *slams button down*
*device is ineffective* *frowns*
Oh... oh no... *looks up* We all forgot to account for one thing...
· Edited 9 years ago
Map of devices connected to the Internet 26 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
Oh. Well then. Yay! Another Australian Funsubber!
You can help us plan the take-over of the world.
Twinsies!! 40 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
Let your colours burst!
all aboard the freedom truck! 13 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
How did I know someone was going to say that.
"f*ck off you little shit" 13 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
Booya. Go band person. If the kid's gonna run through, tripping him is perfectly justified. Where the hell are the parents? I dunno but they're going to have a screaming child to deal with, so good on them.
Why so much hate. 48 comments
one_unknown_enigma · 9 years ago
I certainly do.