Beware 5 comments
· 5 years ago
It is Danish in Japanese, it is Wiener-bread in Swedish (Wiener as in Vienna)
Peoples Republic of Umbrella corp. 7 comments
Like a glove 2 comments
· 5 years ago
Well all light from a screen is made up really small red blue and green diodes, so somehow he broke his red and blue ones in a line?
Logo artist ask me to send him sample. This is what he finally did 3 comments
· 5 years ago
A man who likes Harley Davidson bikes maybe?
More importantly, why is shave in past-tense?
More importantly, why is shave in past-tense?
Absolutely befuddled 6 comments
· 5 years ago
To my knowledge their are somewhere in between. I think they mentioned in Top Gear that they talk about petrol in litres, but talk about mileage in miles per galon.
Kind of how Europe almost exclusively uses the metric system, but talks about engines in non-metric Horsepowers
Kind of how Europe almost exclusively uses the metric system, but talks about engines in non-metric Horsepowers
These people vote. 3 comments
· 5 years ago
I wouldn't blame anyone for answering "first" or maybe even "third", but how do you get 5 from 2?
I found 69420 in Pi 5 comments
· 5 years ago
You cannot find Pi in its entirety because it is infinitely long (nor any other number with infinitely many decimal) .
If you want to find Pi to 100 decimal or 1 million decimal or Googolplex decimal it'll be there though.
If you want to find Pi to 100 decimal or 1 million decimal or Googolplex decimal it'll be there though.
I found 69420 in Pi 5 comments
Reason y u feel good after a shower 5 comments
· 5 years ago
Isn't that because we*cough* *cough* they are masturbating furiously to feel closeness to someone.
A new meme has been born 5 comments
Just a question of time 3 comments
· 5 years ago
In Ass Burgers they said that Aspergers doesn't exist and is just cynism, so I don't think she's off limits by any means.
Ranking women hottest at work 3 comments