When problems become apparent it's already to late to fix them 4 comments
· 2 years ago
I realised it had some other meaning, but not what meaning, so Thank you for informning me.
Oh boy here se go again 3 comments
peta gets more stupid by the second 10 comments
peta gets more stupid by the second 10 comments
peta gets more stupid by the second 10 comments
humble 4 comments
· 2 years ago
Rounding errors with percentages are bound to happen when you round to whole numbers.
Easiest example would be 50,5% + 49,5% =100% would be rounded to 51% and 50 = 101%.
Easiest example would be 50,5% + 49,5% =100% would be rounded to 51% and 50 = 101%.
Girl? 14 comments
· 2 years ago
FYI in Swedish it's called "dataspel" (data games) if it's played on a computer and "TV-spel" (TV games) if it's played on console.
I don't need sleep I need answers! 2 comments
Lights out in my ass 14 comments
This one is for the smart people 4 comments
Let's not turn it back on again 4 comments
· 2 years ago
Lemmino made a great documentary on YouTube about the Bermuda Triangle, where according to his research most incidents attributed to the triangle happened outside of it.
It's Ariana Grande 9 comments
· 2 years ago
Now I need to commission some artist to draw Ojama Barack
Edited 2 years ago