

origamisnow Report User
It just might be a cult... 11 comments
origamisnow · 11 years ago
Mii! Mii! I want to join!
A Little Too Bright For Your Own Good, Sherlock... 8 comments
origamisnow · 11 years ago
What's on Ash's face 10 comments
origamisnow · 11 years ago
they are blush lines, like so: http://tinyurl.com/lmhfu74
..oops 7 comments
origamisnow · 11 years ago
A chocolate christmas calender called an advent calender. You eat the chocolate that corresponds with the day. Most only go up to 24, because on the 25th is Christmas.
After cleaning out the closet 9 comments
origamisnow · 11 years ago
try going to thrift stores; if you shop smart, you could be able to get a season's worth of clothes for 40 dollars
A friendly reminder 10 comments
origamisnow · 11 years ago
why guest, why?!
Homework 6 comments
origamisnow · 11 years ago
everybody does that in y school, too
but most people try working out the problem, too
like, if they were feel stuck, they'd look in the back of the book to try to understand where the answer came from
This is why I'm not too concerned about Skynet 4 comments
origamisnow · 11 years ago
story inspirations right here
Don't touch mah stuff 4 comments
origamisnow · 11 years ago
In middle school, my friends were bored and decided to scribble all over my papers, notebooks, and folders.
I refused to talk to them for the rest of the year, and they got mad at me because they thought I overreacted. It was frustrating having to apologize to them to sit at their table again.
I have better friends now
I'd laugh too 6 comments
origamisnow · 11 years ago
"In grade 8 I did a powerpoint presentation on whooping cough and my opening slide was a photo of Whoopi Goldberg coughing, and I was the only person who laughed at it. I couldn't start the presentation for , like, five minutes because I was laughing too hard at my own joke."
Picture: I make myself laugh
*edited for grammar
It's ok to draw on it 14 comments
origamisnow · 11 years ago
there are cans of sprayable chalkboard that you can buy
Drivers and pedestrians hate each other but everyone hates the cyclist 13 comments
origamisnow · 11 years ago
There aren't nearly enough, though. Especially in my area. Most of the time there aren't even sidewalks, and pedestrians and cyclists alike have to share the narrow shoulder of the road if they don't want to get run over.
Drivers and pedestrians hate each other but everyone hates the cyclist 13 comments
origamisnow · 11 years ago
Actually, sir they are people. Different people act different ways. Some more similarly based on their community. Many times I have been out driving and seen cyclists riding properly. If people would learn to give them a little more patience since they use their legs to move their vehicle, and that riding uphill in the wind can be pretty hard. They are criticized for being too slow when riding in the roads, but then pedestrians get nervous when the're on the sidewalks. What do we expect for them to do?
Drivers and pedestrians hate each other but everyone hates the cyclist 13 comments
origamisnow · 11 years ago
what if I told you that not every cyclist acts like that
I'm definitely the second. 30 comments
origamisnow · 11 years ago
In my school's orchestra, we're already playing Christmas songs every day (concert prep-work) and I'm just ready for it to be over.
When I am bored 6 comments
origamisnow · 11 years ago
The first one? It looks like Cocoa Puffs to me.
When I am bored 6 comments
origamisnow · 11 years ago
most likely Trix
Candidates for election 19 comments
origamisnow · 11 years ago
CD trolling prank 14 comments
origamisnow · 11 years ago
*cries about youtube update*
Google Plus prank 4 comments
origamisnow · 11 years ago
*cries about youtube/google+ integration*
Solving 1st world problems, one at a time 6 comments
origamisnow · 11 years ago
"excuse me sir, but we need for you to turn off all electronics at this time"
Futuristic vehicles 13 comments
origamisnow · 11 years ago
it'd be scary riding in it until they work out the bugs, though
Drumstick pencils: Making your teachers hate you at school 7 comments
origamisnow · 11 years ago
teachers: "shaddup!"
If videogame consoles were your teachers 2 comments
origamisnow · 11 years ago
I understand everything now...it all makes sense...