Rate the landing 17 comments
· 7 years ago
coming home from a long day like...
A picture worth a thousand words 16 comments
All of these places 21 comments
· 7 years ago
Fun Fact: In Italy and Germany the movie had to be called 'Vaiana', so people wouldn't confuse it with one of Moana Pozzi's 'adult movies'
This person clearly doesn't know the meaning of "dark humor" 26 comments
· 7 years ago
That one's a bit dark:
How many Jews can fit into a VW?
Two in the front, two in the back and some hundreds in the ashtray
How many Jews can fit into a VW?
Two in the front, two in the back and some hundreds in the ashtray
Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell 9 comments
Rock cops 8 comments
Bras are ridiculously expensive sometimes and idk why 14 comments
· 7 years ago
It is so hard to find cute big bras :( My recent bra is ugly beige with some scratchy lace on it. I payed 90€ for this thing btw (DD cup)
Edited 7 years ago
That's an interesting idea 37 comments
· 8 years ago
'My son, Benedackle cimebloomberfrackle'
'Oh, I know him! I love his movies!'
Edited 8 years ago
'Oh, I know him! I love his movies!'
Rare photos 13 comments
· 8 years ago
Am I the only one who is genuinly interested in those kind of photos?
I really love to see how the people lived back then (I mean a Nazi Dj? Dang) and how they dealt with their surroundings... after all, people like the KKK were just people too (horrible people who are wayy too deep in their own believing, but people), and often soldiers (especially German ones) didn't even know what they were fighting for
I really love to see how the people lived back then (I mean a Nazi Dj? Dang) and how they dealt with their surroundings... after all, people like the KKK were just people too (horrible people who are wayy too deep in their own believing, but people), and often soldiers (especially German ones) didn't even know what they were fighting for
Let's Paint Some Happy Little LEGOs 4 comments
Fun ways to screw with people 11 comments
· 8 years ago
Sometimes when people talk with me I'll stop them midway by saying: 'Did you just cry?' always leaves them confused
Definitely buying it 10 comments
I can just picture it 17 comments
Classic, so relatable 5 comments
· 8 years ago
One time a pile of garbage blocked my way to the kitchen. I pissed myself and died :(
Realistic 3d paintings 2 comments
This wood carving 22 comments
· 8 years ago
on the other hand I'm sitting here trying to form a decent ball out of play doh
Does anyone remember this ancient software? 3 comments
· 8 years ago
Man I hated that sound... this annoying 'UH-uh' will never leave my brain