Danny Devito and Arnold Schwarzenegger in 1988 9 comments
· 5 years ago
My childhood was watching Twins and Matilda back to back
Am I in the right universe? 16 comments
· 5 years ago
Nice story to this: my brother is a pretty bad reader, he absolutely never wanted to read until he HAD to. But then, my mother found these Minecraft books and he read ALL of them, in a week he was done!
idk mkes me pretty happy, even if a Minecraft novel seems like a dumb idea, there's someone out there who like it :)
idk mkes me pretty happy, even if a Minecraft novel seems like a dumb idea, there's someone out there who like it :)
Torschlusspanik 2 comments
· 5 years ago
Other than that, 'TorSCHUSSpanik' is when you're afraid of scoring a goal at soccer
I also wanna hear y'all inside jokes :) 6 comments
German bedtime story 6 comments
· 5 years ago
Ahh, that's German childhood to you. A depressed bread, two brothers who got baked into bread and children almost dying in a witches house because they used bread instead of stones to find their way back. (Turns out we really like bread)
Time to learn German! 11 comments
· 5 years ago
french counting system is drunk tho... seventy-seven? Mais non, sixty-seventeen!
Ray tracing plz 2 comments
Games are about having fun, let people enjoy things 18 comments
· 5 years ago
Funny thing, my brother plays RDR2 for the killing stuff, and I get to ride around, discover animals, complete the nature challenges, search for dreamcatchers etc
For me it is Cowboy Simulator but with nice looking protagonists
For me it is Cowboy Simulator but with nice looking protagonists
Terror comes in many forms 7 comments
Happens every time 3 comments
Good ol days 2 comments
· 5 years ago
In Germany it is pretty common for kids to get a free slice of sausage whenever you go to the butcher/etc (It's free Gelbwurst lads)
That's the only reason why my dad always took me with him to buy meat, just so he could get one as well
That's the only reason why my dad always took me with him to buy meat, just so he could get one as well
This is just one of many. 9 comments
The corrosion on this looks like a map 2 comments
· 5 years ago
I thought this was some hella cool custom engraving before reading the title
Fr 6 comments
· 5 years ago
What a boring post about beauty stuff... I stopped reading halfway through tbh
Title 14 comments
· 5 years ago
German: Übermorgen
English: :P
German: No stop
English: The Day after Tomorrow
English: :P
German: No stop
English: The Day after Tomorrow
Your noble birthright awaits you 1 comments
· 5 years ago
I sent this to my mom with the caption 'I was born here' and she just sent me a ':('
It really is a good feeling 3 comments
· 5 years ago
Once I was walking behind a woman with a toddler on her shoulder and the kid kept looking at me and saying 'Grandma! Grandma!' over and over again
I'm 18??
I'm 18??