

— panthers2 Report User
Kristen Stewart really does smile! 18 comments
panthers2 · 8 years ago
she didn't smile/acted bratty and bored in twilight because the character is bratty and boring. just goes to show: no one hates twilight more than the actors in twilight
Mindfu*ked 14 comments
panthers2 · 8 years ago
i always thought it was just funny because you try to think of a funny answer but the actual solution is just obvious, like an anti-joke
20 PDH students dumb down their thesis 18 comments
panthers2 · 8 years ago
this is actually pretty cool because it shows how some pretty simple things are actually very complex and interesting
Disney's Unexpected Realization 25 comments
panthers2 · 8 years ago
to the second guest: actually, second cousins is different - it means that the closest shared ancestor is the *great* grandparents of both.
Yes, our hair goes in the twisty part. 19 comments
panthers2 · 8 years ago
1. flip your hair forwards and lean forward so it's hanging. 2. put a towel with the long side at the base of your neck and the rest hanging off of your head (forwards with your hair). 3. twist the towel and your hair together. 4. stand back up and put the twisted part back over your head
Or just don't text and walk 7 comments
panthers2 · 8 years ago
but you'd have to copy and paste into the messages app for every one...
Art with Rubik's Cubes 8 comments
panthers2 · 8 years ago
it's easy to solve just one side, he likely didn't bother with the faces that are hidden
'community service' 13 comments
panthers2 · 8 years ago
Actually, companies prefer to have some items messily in bins instead of on the shelfs - it makes it seem less formal and something you would just "pick up" and spend money on instead of actually buy.
My mum and I at the same age. Funny thing is I'm adopted 14 comments
panthers2 · 8 years ago
i see it in the nose and chin as well
The most important places in each American state 46 comments
panthers2 · 8 years ago
madison isn't bad either
Capybara, the world's largest rodent and apparently an acceptable pet in the UK 19 comments
panthers2 · 8 years ago
thought it was a giant guinea pig
this is weirdly adorable 9 comments
panthers2 · 8 years ago
basically but its a plastic-y pouch you can squeeze
Tumblr making fun of Tumblr... 9 comments
panthers2 · 9 years ago
i don't think they each have a meaning, it's more to show the variations and number of individual options for different people
The water challenge 20 comments
panthers2 · 9 years ago
I think it was 3 gallons in an hour or something, definitely more than one
You know it's true 17 comments
panthers2 · 9 years ago
You should be able to do multiple enters on text posts so people don't have to do dots
Interesting Halloween Costumes 11 comments
panthers2 · 9 years ago
sims is awesome in a big group
Cheat sheet 11 comments
panthers2 · 9 years ago
i have had math and science teachers let us make sheets with formulas so we could focus on learning how to apply them instead of just memorization.
Please don't ask these when interviewing 12 comments
panthers2 · 9 years ago
the one about the person in the blender: if you were two inches tall, presuming the rest of your body mass also shrunk, gravity would have a lesser effect on you and you would likely be able to jump out of the blender.
Grandmother's Censorship 21 comments
panthers2 · 9 years ago
No poo!
Apple took it pretty seriously 36 comments
panthers2 · 9 years ago
the ones with emotions only were yellow and still are, but the ones with hair or clothes that were supposed to be real people were all white. so apple made them the same default color as the emotion ones and added representation and diverse options. :)
I Am Going To Cry So Much 14 comments
panthers2 · 9 years ago
im 16 and all my friends and i got into that show this year when it came on netflix
3 · Edited 9 years ago
Haven't found mine yet 32 comments
panthers2 · 9 years ago
Code Name Verity - Elizabeth Wein. Highly recommended.