Due to threats of violence against me because I dared express feminists views I have removed all feminist related posts and changed my e-mail.
Abercumbie and fag 16 comments
· 10 years ago
He looks like he's allergic to his own face.
Batman feels 10 comments
· 10 years ago
I was watching this in the front room, and I got misty eyed. Mom got misty eyed. Even my Dad got misty eyed. This is one of the saddest, kindest, scariest things I'd ever seen. Dad looked over to me, "If you were going to go nuclear I would stay with you."
Mom shrugged. "Good, because I'll be in the shelter."
Mom shrugged. "Good, because I'll be in the shelter."
The most dangerous colour 9 comments
· 10 years ago
Canola oil is made from rapeseed. They called it canola because they didn't' want to sell rape to housewives in the fifties!
Can you see the difference? 10 comments
· 10 years ago
I've always wanted to know what that Super Mario Brothers looking game was.
roasted 14 comments
Isn't this little guy cute? 6 comments
Beets by schrute alternatives 11 comments
· 10 years ago
I have Skullcandy Low Riders! I almost cried when they broke, but I figured out how to fix them myself. ^_^ They're easy to replace, yeah, but I love them so much!
Baby boxes for new parents 6 comments
· 10 years ago
I omitted a sentence, I'm sorry. I had seen this post before, but they stated that sleeping in the box was what was helping the baby. I forgot to say that part.
A Profitable Franchise 6 comments
· 10 years ago
I had a giant plush Raichu for a few year and never knew what it was since I never watched the show; I wasn't aware there were more then a handful. I also had a Meowth, whatever fire Eevee is and a fish. So, this is all lost one me.
Baby boxes for new parents 6 comments
· 10 years ago
I saw this on another site and read up on it. In order to get the box, which has diapers, clothes, picture book, you know, baby stuff, the mother had to go to a clinic and get a check up. Because mother wants the baby kit, they get the prenatal care needed to ensure a healthy baby. They get baby stuff free, so they can spend more money on other things, like groceries. It's not the sleeping in a box that keeps the mortality rate low, it's the care that comes with it.
Dancing Baby Groot Toy! 6 comments
· 10 years ago
Why haven't they made one yet? Seriously, Marvel, that is a licence to print money!
I didnt realize how big traffic lights were 3 comments
· 10 years ago
I... that makes perfect sense, actually. I had never once thought of how large they would have to be to be seen from your car.
Str8 n*gga ! 9 comments
· 10 years ago
I don't understand how a word of dehumanizing and degrading nature became a term of endearment. If I called my gay friends faggot or my Italian friend whop I wouldn't have any friends left.
Pure evil 15 comments
· 10 years ago
One guy in my town tried to pay with eighty dollars worth of pennies. He had them all in a roll, fifty pennies each, hand rolled at home from a kit, and they made him write his name and driver's licence number on all 160 of them. He said it was out of pettiness, they said they didn't want him giving him rolls with pennies on the end and washers in the middle. It's happened before.
Now they won't accept large amounts of coins, or large bills for small fees. There's a sign that states payments need to be in cash, not coin, and the cash has to be in (crap, what word did they use?) a condition to be used instantly in a vending machine.
Now they won't accept large amounts of coins, or large bills for small fees. There's a sign that states payments need to be in cash, not coin, and the cash has to be in (crap, what word did they use?) a condition to be used instantly in a vending machine.
9 interesting facts about dreams 19 comments
· 10 years ago
I always wondered how they figured the face one. How do you find something like that out?
Not sure if cheating 7 comments
· 10 years ago
That's mean. You're telling a kid you don't think he's smart enough to sit down and study.
His "friend" got jail time for his prank 5 comments
Apple and their technology 15 comments
· 10 years ago
A friend of mine takes about a ball point pen and works the spring onto the cord. I'm not sure how or why it works, but once it's in place it keeps the cable from breaking.
Gamer Doesn't Want To Get A Job And His Father Gives Him A Deadly Punishment 15 comments
· 10 years ago
I don't think this is real. But in reality, you don't have to destroy them. Just take them and lock them away. Take all the power cords or something.