Awkward indeed 12 comments
· 10 years ago
Jiffy you smart motherfucka ! :D
Using the Bible to start dumb arguments 33 comments
· 11 years ago
But honestly I agree viv. If someone is going to take things out the bible, use it in context and use it for pure heartful helpful ways instead of distruction
Using the Bible to start dumb arguments 33 comments
· 11 years ago
Viv it was no bacon for the jews. But swear they can have bacon now cause Jesus died for them and us he died for everyone
We all feel sorry for Leo 18 comments
· 11 years ago
He like smiles when he looks at leo: that lil dick haha can't wait till 22 jump street
Using the Bible to start dumb arguments 33 comments
· 11 years ago
New testament states clear jesus has died for you, sin is gone, and forgiveness has taken place, God has saved you, if you a murderer, gay, bi, lez, rapest anything know this God has taken your sin onto himself and has made you worthy, he found a loop hole in his own justice system because of his amazing love for you, so this thing where people shun others remember you have sin aswell but God has given you a way though love, so take the plank from your eye before you take the splinter from someone elses, God bless
We all feel sorry for Leo 18 comments
· 11 years ago
Well guys I rate he gets the next one. I do though think he should of got it this year. He has such great talent
Having two dads could be pretty cool. 20 comments
· 11 years ago
Guys get this stright, being gay bi or stright is up to the person that is gay bi or stright, you can't change them because that is not right, but anyway I love spiderman :p
The Oscar selfie wasn't a selfie 5 comments
· 11 years ago
Yeah man don't do that to Leo, hense how do you know he might be a member of funsubstance and seeing this