Spreading good vibes and all that jazz,
you ever feeling down, hmu, we'll have a chat
Have a good day :)
(lil drawing is by picrew.me)
It's stuff like this that makes me happy 7 comments
· 5 years ago
Thank you kind fellow!
PSA: Tattooing minors is legal in West Virginia with parental consent 13 comments
· 5 years ago
I don't know how it works with kids skin but won't that stretch and disfigure when he grows and changes?
That's totally true 18 comments
· 5 years ago
Fair enough, I didn't think it deserved to be deleted but if you felt like that would help you change then good on you.
I think mine 17 comments
· 5 years ago
My Dad still has his and I can hear that distinct "cluk" sound when you push down the button to stop the alarm.
Come on people 57 comments
· 5 years ago
Interesting video thank you, I do agree the Cimate movement has to be wayyyy less political. I have to do some more reading on that video but that other link you sent is awful, 90%?
I'm not sure what it has to do with our discussion but it was a good read nevertheless, I'm upset most of our objects and disposed items are made of plastic that will take eons to break down but they're making some efforts to do something about it.
I'm not sure what it has to do with our discussion but it was a good read nevertheless, I'm upset most of our objects and disposed items are made of plastic that will take eons to break down but they're making some efforts to do something about it.
That's totally true 18 comments
It's stuff like this that makes me happy 7 comments
· 5 years ago
I don't know their insta but their names Brock Elbank, he also did a freckles series and they're gorgeous too
That's totally true 18 comments
· 5 years ago
Intelligence is just how fast you can recall information, I think a better word to use rather than smart or stupid is creative. Like the beginnings of any idea, you have to be open and creative to think/theorise something new. I don't believe intelligence is something we should use to judge people, opportunities like education aren't given to everyone so personally I feel it would be unfair to use that as a basis for creating worthwhile ideas.
That's totally true 18 comments
· 5 years ago
I have to half and half agree with this, I'm taking Philosophy and boy let me tell you there are some stuck up people in there but if you ignore them and focus on the content it can be interesting. Most of the time it's just theories and then more theories that contradict those theories etc. It doesn't make you intelligent that's for sure, maybe more open-minded though (Personally I find it pretty boring but I have a very fact driven brain so that might be why)
It's stuff like this that makes me happy 7 comments
· 5 years ago
I hope so, there's this photographer who's insta is dedicated to people with vitiligo and they're all so gorgeous.
It's stuff like this that makes me happy 7 comments
Come on people 57 comments
· 5 years ago
I'm curious as to how many of her speeches you have seen. She's stated plenty of facts, she usually begins with stats and she's stated plenty of times we need to cut our carbon emissions, limit our fossil fuel usage and implement creative ways into our daily lives to make our wastage and co2 emissions smaller. I think at this point, anyone who is willing to speak out about stuff like this deserves some credit. People have been trying for years (like I said before, even many professionals) and no one has listened, until now. I agree we need a plan but no one's going to do that unless we actually talk about how important this problem is and if we need an "angry little girl" to get people talking then so be it.
This is the chonkiest chonker lizard ever 8 comments
Come on people 57 comments
· 5 years ago
I agree with you, however, I believe all her facts come straight from professionals in that field who have studied climate change and global warming. Professionals have been trying to warn us for years that we're a dying world, who listened to them? not many people.
Pls no 12 comments
Listen here, buddy 2 comments
· 5 years ago
Ah yes that "house, shelter and a place to live" that needs income which is gained from graphic design.
Genius 12 comments
These 8 masterpieces 7 comments
· 5 years ago
I love "you spoon", so simple and confusing but you know it's meant to hurt you.
Pls no 12 comments
· 5 years ago
And now we have a dating simulator for KFC. Made by KFC. What a world we live in.
Come on people 57 comments
· 5 years ago
I don't agree with everything she does or some of the ways she's brought issues up, in fact I think the general issue she is trying to bring to light is more important than her. So I'm more in support of what she's fighting for rather than her as a person. If I had to pick somebody to get behind ( not that I need a "mouth piece", but considering I'm not in a position of power or of much influence my words or actions don't mean much to the general public) I'd pick my guy David Attenborough. What would you suggest is the best way to promote change?
Like I said, you both have good points, I'm not here to debate, although I believe that's kind of what I'm doing now.
Like I said, you both have good points, I'm not here to debate, although I believe that's kind of what I'm doing now.