Spreading good vibes and all that jazz,
you ever feeling down, hmu, we'll have a chat
Have a good day :)
(lil drawing is by picrew.me)
It's getting toasty 8 comments
· 5 years ago
Stay safe! I hope your tanks are full and your luck high
Wholesome bed 20 comments
Wholesome bed 20 comments
Babyself or Toddlerself? 13 comments
· 5 years ago
Literally @famousone, parents are killing their kids brains. Same thing when they give their kids their phones to play games on. Sad times man
Babyself or Toddlerself? 13 comments
· 5 years ago
I was listening to this awesome lady the other day on a neuroscience radio thing and she was saying how we're actually giving our kids too many choices and it's messing with their developing brains. Kids don't have the proper developed reasoning skills to understand let alone make adult choices, like their gender, kids find it hard to decide what they want for breakfast so giving them all these choices is actually more damaging then it is helpful.
Rate my young AScenSion please 7 comments
· 5 years ago
Although the quality doesn't really let me see much, those are some attractive pixels
Gender studies 8 comments
· 5 years ago
I think art history has a lot of potential careers, you could become more specialised and help date or name classical and old paintings or you could like Jensen, work at an art museum or you could be used to help create period relevant films. Gender studies, although interesting, doesn't seem to lead to any potential careers, at least not from what I gather.
Keanu with the best comeback 2 comments
· 5 years ago
I hate when reporters don't even know what they're reporting on, if you're gonna heckle someone or ask them a question at least have some basic knowledge of that person and their past.
When you find the perfect candle 3 comments
· 5 years ago
I usually smell it straight away when I'm burning it with a really good candle, my room with be drowning in the sent of 'cedar wood and pear orchards'
Own it 1 comments
· 5 years ago
Good on him for taking what could be a horrible path in life and slapping down that ol uno reverse card
When you find the perfect candle 3 comments
· 5 years ago
What bugs me is when it's so fragrant but when you actually burn it it smells like nothing
R.I.P. Grandpa. We love you 3 comments
· 5 years ago
We'll miss you Grandpa, he seemed like a wonderful man go check out his channel
Happy Halloween from the twisted tooth fairy! 29 comments
Happy Halloween from Dr. Richard Ew! 39 comments
· 5 years ago
He's wearing a lab coat and goggles, all the appropriate safety gear. I trust him.
Happy Halloween from the twisted tooth fairy! 29 comments