Spreading good vibes and all that jazz,
you ever feeling down, hmu, we'll have a chat
Have a good day :)
(lil drawing is by picrew.me)
People come to weddings from obligation 22 comments
· 5 years ago
Obligation? I come for the amazing free food and I guess the happiness of the couple who want to share that moment with their loved ones.
Gotta catch 'em all? 16 comments
· 5 years ago
Did you know female ducks have a fake vagina? and even the real one has multiple paths like a maze. Animals are wack
Meet Rain Frog: The World’s Grumpiest Frog 7 comments
For my Aussies... for my peeps on drugs... especially for my Aussies on drugs O_o 6 comments
· 5 years ago
It was less than 2 seconds of the song which is the really depressing part
I'm pretty sure IT have seen some deep shit 12 comments
· 5 years ago
I once had a lady ask if we could make this really expensive salad that isn't even on our menu and then get pissed off when I said we couldn't do that. Also had a guy complain to me about how our posters look, as if I was the head honcho of the marketing team and could do something about the colour scheme of our signs.
We need name suggestions (see comments below) 37 comments
Hey Funsubstance, I participated! Did you? :) 33 comments
just wanted to show my eye 14 comments
Hey Funsubstance, I participated! Did you? :) 33 comments
· 5 years ago
Yay Mia! Plant dem trees
I'm planting my own trees at home and making a veggie patch.
I'm planting my own trees at home and making a veggie patch.
This could get ugly 3 comments
· 5 years ago
My Dad's teacher had his back broken because he thought he could mess with a daddy roo and got his ass kicked up into the air and landed on the hood of his car.
For my Aussies... for my peeps on drugs... especially for my Aussies on drugs O_o 6 comments
· 5 years ago
This is the song we learn in kindergarten instead of "heads shoulders knees and toes"
Seriously 15 comments
· 5 years ago
I respect you for not hurting him but oh boy, I think if I actually knew someone was hurting my dogs and then saw them I wouldn't have cared in that moment whether I was jailed or not.
Wholesome bed 20 comments
Wholesome bed 20 comments
Okay, this is wholesome and kind of sweet 2 comments
My country is pretty oldschool... Germany btw 2 comments
· 5 years ago
@calvinoot this looks exactly like that episode in Jane and The Dragon where Jester sings a sad lover song on the wall
*tips fedora* M' Lady 15 comments
· 5 years ago
Their relationship is cute as heck and now my idea of the "ideal man" is a guy without a face who can turn into a freaky demon
*tips fedora* M' Lady 15 comments
Aleetahi 4 comments
· 5 years ago
In year 10 english we had to read "The Road" and that book almost made me burn it. The grammar was all over the place and all my teacher wanted us to see was "how it represented the disorder in the world"
*tips fedora* M' Lady 15 comments