Spreading good vibes and all that jazz,
you ever feeling down, hmu, we'll have a chat
Have a good day :)
(lil drawing is by picrew.me)
Welcome to the club, kid 14 comments
· 5 years ago
Wow who even decided to write that to begin with? lol That's some passion
Extreme zoomies at the dog park 2 comments
Let them eat, at least 25 comments
· 5 years ago
I think if it's to survive, like any indigenous culture that hunts their native animals it's okay because by custom they respect the entire animal and use all of its parts and thank it for it's life. They only hunt what they need, to allow the species to breed and live on. What I don't like is when a culture is exploited by others who just want to kill to kill, or kill to create products out of that animals body that actually don't need it, or kill because they believe it has magical healing powers regardless of how many times that has been debunked.
Welcome to the club, kid 14 comments
· 5 years ago
If you focus on every adaption trait that could be improved in animals then honestly, all animals would appear "stupid" or "horrible". Koalas live in a country that's literally an oven with limited supply of plants that even provide nutritional content to begin with, our native plants are all designed to hold water as much as possible so if anything koalas are pretty incredible for even evolving a stomach like that. Also, they're actually smart, humans for some reason love to label any animal as stupid just because it doesn't do what we deem as intelligent. I've had a koala knock on my door because it knows I'll give it water and maybe an apple to chew on (which yes they do eat, they also eat other species of tree occasionally). We can all have our own opinions on what animals we do and don't like but respect is something that should be given to every living thing.
Indian root bridges 3 comments
· 5 years ago
I love stuff like this that makes it seem like nature is lending a hand, instead of us just carving a path through it like we own it.
Vacation Time :D 10 comments
Blackberry. 8 comments
· 5 years ago
When everyone had those little flip phones and the keychains that would hang off them, kids would get those kits of diamond stickers to decorate their phones. Good times.
Languages 6 comments
Just some basic tips everybody should know 18 comments
· 5 years ago
My friend recently told me she's stopped going home from uni at night now because 2 men assaulted her. When she told them what they were doing was wrong and making her extremely uncomfortable, they told her she was "overreacting" and said...I quote "Oh, you're not one of those #MeToo girls are you?". Sadly, some people are unaware that the actions they do are assault or will traumatised the person they are doing it to, making them feel untrusting of the world and others. Sometimes people need to be told that they need to stop and this in itself is a sad thing.
Petsubstance: Taco the Destructor (r.i.p.) 6 comments
Please help if you can. TW: Bodybuilder boy breaks puppy's leg to 'test his strength' 15 comments
· 5 years ago
Surely this dog is going to be taken out of his owners custody because that treatment is disgusting. To even think about doing that to your pet is beyond disgusting. I don't want to help if the dog is only going to be given back and treated just as badly.
I hope you are having a good day too :) 26 comments
· 5 years ago
That's amazing well done! I love how your username always contradicts itself cause everyone here cares, you must be really proud.
Elon musk 3 comments
Turned Baby Yoda Into Disney Princesses 4 4 comments
Is this the real life? 5 comments
Small selection of all the cats I pet in Morocco 26 comments
· 5 years ago
Moroccan cats are 10/10. Now I need pics of cats from every other country please and thanks. (side note: that pregnant one is oh so cute)