Spreading good vibes and all that jazz,
you ever feeling down, hmu, we'll have a chat
Have a good day :)
(lil drawing is by picrew.me)
Froggo Fun #203 - Frogschach 10 comments
· 4 years ago
Kind of looks like my parents fighting
Stjepan, Malena and Klepetan [FeelGoodSubstance] 10 comments
I Would Like 100 Please and Thank You 15 comments
Stjepan, Malena and Klepetan [FeelGoodSubstance] 10 comments
I Would Like 100 Please and Thank You 15 comments
Fishy Fun Day #47: Scrabble Game Edition 13 comments
Diamonds Are A Best Girlfriend 3 comments
Seeing my friends again after forgetting how to socialize 15 comments
· 4 years ago
It's a personality test called the Myers-Briggs but was originally adapted by Carl Jung's theory of personality. It pretty much puts you into specific categories based off of Jung's 4 personality types so overall there's 16 combinations. It's a commonly used test, however, no personality tests are legitimate or really accurate because people tend to do what's called the Barnum effect and just relate any traits they read back to themselves regardless of how true they are. It's still fun to do however don't take any personality test at face value.
I can’t take a cold ass shower 25 comments
· 4 years ago
Yeah that's what I'm worried about, how do you not get ingrown hairs or burns when you're just going straight onto dry skin
Lurkers, you could stand to post something at least one in a while 19 comments
· 4 years ago
You can always post a meme you thought was funny from another site, if you actually want to make one for yourself though you just have to learn a bit of editing. Some of the best ones are a bit unorthodox anyway so have a go
I can’t take a cold ass shower 25 comments
‘Tis true 6 comments
· 4 years ago
We have this deodorant called 'Impulse' and EVERYONE had them during this period in school so the entirety of the girls locker room smelt like a mix of baby prostitute and cotton candy. I had to change in the bathrooms the smell was so strong.
My bf and I were discussing how much better off the U.S. would be with this 56 comments
· 4 years ago
I agree, not only with the current situation right now but the overall unemployment rate is dropping rapidly. Many of my friends, who are young and finishing off their degrees are fearful of not finding a job or a stable career purely because it's so competitive now. Not saying it wasn't before, it just feels like not only have things become more expensive overall but remaining financially stable whilst also enjoying the job you have has become a pipe dream. Social service jobs, although amazing and greatly needed, are jobs that require a lot of resilience and empathy. You don't know where you'll end up, looking after foster kids who've been thrown around their entire lives or becoming a carer at a boarding school for troublesome indigenous boys, for example. It's one of those jobs that not many take because few find personal enjoyment out of it or see the worth in sacrificing their own emotional wellbeing for the benefit of others. Results are also not seen instantaneously.
My bf and I were discussing how much better off the U.S. would be with this 56 comments
· 4 years ago
I'd say like most large scale systems run by the government, prisons are usually corrupt and lack sufficient funding to make the appropriate changes needed. Not to mention scientific evidence for better approaches take about 20-30 years to come to light, let alone implemented. Same with social services, funding is insanely low for the critical services they provide. Crime becomes a cycle wrapped up in insufficient parenting, low socio-economic status, lack of education, bad mental health support etc etc. It's hard to solve the root of a problem when they're are so many factors influencing the likelihood of someone committing a crime/ becoming a criminal. I think there are many misconceptions when it comes to justice or the prison system, namely the "simplicity" of rehabilitation. The support after prison is less than none and one of the most important factor , so most criminals end up recommitting just to remain in a stable environment. I'm rambling, My main point is, shizz be flawed.
So tired that wouldn't make any difference. 10 comments
My bf and I were discussing how much better off the U.S. would be with this 56 comments
· 4 years ago
There's also multiple studies supporting the fact that positive surroundings (such as good lighting, calming colours etc.) leads to a higher chance of rehabilitation and decreased aggression.
Worried sharp Mongoose 3 comments
· 4 years ago
My Dad would say this all the time but it was mainly his way of telling me "Please keep enjoying the same things I used to enjoy as a kid"