You alright Americans? 2 comments
· 2 years ago
kind of yeah. my buddy’s home went up like $46k since he bought it. that’s pretty messed up.
Change my mind 1 comments
· 2 years ago
God, but if only he had lived. imagine where we’d be. he was a corrupt son of a bitch, the whole family, but he made things happen and he had charisma. gotta give the guy that.
Try me, foolish mortals 5 comments
· 2 years ago
how big is your McDonalds beanie baby collection? and thank you for the correction lol
He saved the family without even telling them 1 comments
· 2 years ago
Matthew 6:3, i think. “When you give alms, let your left hand not know what your right hand is doing”
Operation Desert Stumble 3 comments
War never changes, but it does get weird sometimes 1 comments
· 2 years ago
googled it, and… i don’t have the words. everything about that is true. it’s as crazy as it sounds, and i’m utterly flabbergasted.
Seriously, the Dutch have a massive hard on for Canada 1 comments
· 2 years ago
Well wouldn’t you, after a badass motherfucker like Pvt. Leo Major strolls in?
One- Eyed French Canadian (BEST PART OF CANADA) Leo Major single handedly liberated a Dutch town against a small battalion of German Wehrmacht. he was initially seeking to recon the town with a buddy of his who unfortunately was killed in the process, and becoming wounded himself. and no shit, pissed and out for revenge he tricked the Germans into thinking there was a well-equipped company of Canadian troops in their midst using his Sten and captured MP40 sub machine guns, hand grenades, and his combat knife, employing run-and-gun tactics to engage the enemy and force dozens of surrenders, taking shelter amongst sympathetic Dutch citizens, and doing so in ONE DAY.
One- Eyed French Canadian (BEST PART OF CANADA) Leo Major single handedly liberated a Dutch town against a small battalion of German Wehrmacht. he was initially seeking to recon the town with a buddy of his who unfortunately was killed in the process, and becoming wounded himself. and no shit, pissed and out for revenge he tricked the Germans into thinking there was a well-equipped company of Canadian troops in their midst using his Sten and captured MP40 sub machine guns, hand grenades, and his combat knife, employing run-and-gun tactics to engage the enemy and force dozens of surrenders, taking shelter amongst sympathetic Dutch citizens, and doing so in ONE DAY.
Sure that! 3 comments
· 2 years ago
so i’ve seen the top row what are the bottom rows? and my vote is Yor, wine drunk stepmom that can kick a kidnapper’s head into the fuckin’ ceiling on a whim? no contest!
so i’ve seen the top row what are the bottom rows? and my vote is Yor, wine drunk stepmom that can kick a kidnapper’s head into the fuckin’ ceiling on a whim? no contest!
Help me settle this 7 comments
· 2 years ago
solid barefoot. hell, in the summer if i have the choice i go MONTHS without socks. flip flops and sandals the whole way, man.
The rest is history 3 comments
Croatia is underrated 1 comments
· 2 years ago
fact checked this and what the FUCK. they had not one but TWO concentration camps for CHILDREN, and 22 total. their leader didn’t beat around the bush; he openly declared a plan to kill 1/3 of all serbs, deport another third, and forcibly convert the rest. These guys were monsters and they started their fucked up little party before the Nazis even got started. I would not be surprised if there are entire circles of hell just devoted to these motherfuckers.
Edited 2 years ago
> Makes you spend hours a day finding silly pictures and posting them elsewhere 2 comments
· 2 years ago
that’s asking to undo tens of thousands of years of evolutionary development.
Why? Why it is always the same?! 1 comments