The circle of cringe 1 comments
· 1 year ago
oh god that just kept getting worse…
The middle ages weren't as bad as some make them out to be 1 comments
· 1 year ago
read the Pillars of the Earth series by Ken Follett, he illustrated this in each age he covers in his novels. or, weirdly enough, play Witcher 3! they cover the vividness of the environment in a 12th century medieval town remarkably well (with some obvious embellishments and liberties)!
Idk what to name this 4 comments
He will give the kidnapper a senzu bean 2 comments
Eye am not the beholder 1 comments
My hottest take 2 comments
· 1 year ago
As I understand it, they won in a tactical sense, but they had no logistical capability to do anything about it. To try and retake the American continent when I had an armed force that was unwilling to back down and surrender would have been insanity and suicide, as well as requires resources far beyond anything the British were capable of.
Why hurting innocent pupil man? 2 comments
· 1 year ago
i felt S2 kinda started to feel stale… but S1 and the satisfying retribution for the abuse the MC suffered was justified, if a tad theatrical.
This sign I saw for a volunteer fire department 2 comments
· 1 year ago
want to volunteer and help but scared of going in a burning building? no problem! there’s the fire police function, wherein you help secure the scene from rubberneckers, and pump ops, wherein you drive and operate the truck, and so much more! i highly recommend it!
This sign I saw for a volunteer fire department 2 comments
· 1 year ago
yep! fun fact; here in the States, our firefighting force is 70% volunteer with the vast majority of them severely, if not critically, understaffed, affecting response times and the ability to care and protect our districts to the point where in the daytime especially many are not able to respond to the simplest of calls and need to cal for mutual aid from other departments. probably in your neighborhood!
the common misconception is that they spend much of their time doing nothing and waiting for the rare fire. not so! the scope of firefighting includes med calls, lift assists (for bariatric patients and the elderly), disaster response, swift water rescue, high angle rescue, gas leaks, close quarters rescue, search and rescue, brush fires… depending on the district you may be busy on a daily basis!
the common misconception is that they spend much of their time doing nothing and waiting for the rare fire. not so! the scope of firefighting includes med calls, lift assists (for bariatric patients and the elderly), disaster response, swift water rescue, high angle rescue, gas leaks, close quarters rescue, search and rescue, brush fires… depending on the district you may be busy on a daily basis!
They are bad 2 comments
· 1 year ago
Facing the Giants? Fireproof? The Fourth Magi? they aren’t great i’ll grant you but they’re far from terrible.
Who brings you presents? 3 comments
· 1 year ago
see that’s what i figured but here in the states there’s a half a dozen different ways to say “soda” so It wouldn’t be outside of the realm of possibilities
Which one are y'all picking? 6 comments
Who brings you presents? 3 comments
· 1 year ago
i love the Welsh one, it’s utter gibberish, but the best part of this for me is that i have absolutely no idea without asking anyone if this is true or now, because some of these are perfectly believable!
Madagascar history nerds, now is your time to shine 3 comments
· 1 year ago
Fun Fact; in the late 90s/early 2000s, when the United States military was looking to replace the M 16/M4 family rifles, they were briefly considering the HK XM8 rifle, most notably known for its use in black ops two. Once that didn’t pan out, HK had a big order that they couldn’t really sell to anybody, except for Madagascar! they are, if memory serves, the only nation that uses the XM8 as a standard infantry weapon!
Source: Forgotten Weapons
Edited 1 year ago
Source: Forgotten Weapons
Well, you have to be the best at something in life 2 comments
· 1 year ago
I remember right, it started off as a drunken brawl turned deadly wherein one part of the Austrian army arrived late to the fight, thought their army that was already there was under attack by the Ottomans, and in the dark and confusion fought everyone everyone that was there.
Edited 1 year ago
Sticks out like a sore trigger finger 2 comments