Yeah :/ 7 comments
· 1 year ago
you read enough about any nation’s history and you find that everyone is the baddie.
Never mess with Korean fisherman 1 comments
· 1 year ago
got tangled in the fishing lines and they had to surface, and the personnel of the sub eventually were returned to the DPRK as failures, and, well… failure doesn’t really go well over there.
Steve awoke nostalgia 2 comments
· 1 year ago
the Kratz brothers still have a show out in PBS and my kids love it!
the Kratz brothers still have a show out in PBS and my kids love it!
It used to be the 4th largest lake in the world 1 comments
· 1 year ago
i think the dumb idea behind it was the USSR diverted the water to make it into arable farmland… now it’s a fucking desert. best thing anyone could do is flood it and give the local environment some life back and pay to relocate the locals and give them a housing stipend until the economy rebuilds, IMO. never gonna happen, but still.
And here I thought someone else could be blamed this time 2 comments
· 1 year ago
things got a little screwy in that sense after 2/24/2022, for nearly everyone.
Dang 8 comments
· 1 year ago
fucking perfect, every single one of these. i’m at work and everyone in the break room is looking at me like i’m nuts because i’m laughing to the point of tears
And these are just the mainstream ones 1 comments
· 1 year ago
Vinland Saga, Spy X Family, Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Chanploo… the list keeps going.
Tell them to approach from the West 1 comments
If you don't know keep it that way 5 comments
USA - rocket, Germany - rocket, Britain - ...... A big spring? 3 comments
· 1 year ago
that was about it’s only benefit- it kicked so hard that it could break your collar bone if you shouldered it wrong, it’s effective range was less than 150m which was WAY closer than you EVER wanted to be with a tank, and the rounds oftentimes lacked the punch to breach German armor.
USA - rocket, Germany - rocket, Britain - ...... A big spring? 3 comments
· 1 year ago
stood for Portable Infantry AntiTank, i think? should have stood for Put In A Trashcan.
The great seal bug 1 comments
· 1 year ago
it stayed up behind the ambassadors desk for i think years before it was discovered by accident.
What’s PEMDAS ? All I know is BODMAS 9 comments
· 1 year ago
fuck you are right. i multiplied before i divided before But it’s supposed to go in left to right order. nice catch!
fuck you are right. i multiplied before i divided before But it’s supposed to go in left to right order. nice catch!
America for the win 8 comments
· 1 year ago
“We will put a man on the moon by the end of this decade”
President John F. Kennedy
pretty well implied as being the finish line, i would think.
President John F. Kennedy
pretty well implied as being the finish line, i would think.
They legit printed several articles praising him on occasion of his 25th anniversary of 3 comments
· 1 year ago
to engage the Germans on a second front, and the Germans, seeking to avoid French fortifications, decided to attack them through Belgium, which brought in the already pressured British who Sought to honor their alliances with Belgium and France, And in the next four years you had weird ass bullshit like Australians fighting the Turks in Gallipoli because an Austrian was shot by a Serbian.
all of this could very well have been avoided if Kaiser Wilhelm head stuck to his guns about not bringing Germany into the fight, but he was pressured by the military and begrudgingly agreed to condone Germany’s entrance into the war. had Germany not agreed, Austria may very well have not gone ahead, the Russians may very well have held back, and nothing else would’ve happened. Serbia would’ve paid reparations and that would’ve been that. At least, that’s my take. We’ll never know, unfortunately.
Edited 1 year ago
all of this could very well have been avoided if Kaiser Wilhelm head stuck to his guns about not bringing Germany into the fight, but he was pressured by the military and begrudgingly agreed to condone Germany’s entrance into the war. had Germany not agreed, Austria may very well have not gone ahead, the Russians may very well have held back, and nothing else would’ve happened. Serbia would’ve paid reparations and that would’ve been that. At least, that’s my take. We’ll never know, unfortunately.
They legit printed several articles praising him on occasion of his 25th anniversary of 3 comments
· 1 year ago
The sad thing was that the articles were not entirely incorrect… Kaiser Willhelm was incredibly reluctant to go to war and had to be convinced by his generals after the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand. the expansive military industrial complex left over from the reign of Otto von Bismarck resulted in an overly powerful military faction within the German government that wanted to see an expansion of its borders and increase its sphere of influence. as part of this, and in alliance with Austria, Germany and Austro-Hungaria wanted access to the mineral riches and trade access of Serbia, which is similarly what the Russians were after. The Russians use this as a justification to engage in hostilities, claiming they were supporting Serbian independence, while the Germans and Austro Hungarians, Fearing Russian expansionism, sought to flex their military might to oppose the Russians. This led to the Russians calling upon France, Germany’s powerful enemy to the west, (cont.)
Edited 1 year ago
What’s PEMDAS ? All I know is BODMAS 9 comments
· 1 year ago
it is, PEMDAS.
edit; it’s not. knockdown209 solved it the right way.
Edited 1 year ago
edit; it’s not. knockdown209 solved it the right way.
From a professional sibling haver 1 comments
· 1 year ago
Love it or hate it, it’s what weirdly makes the dynamic between Morty and summer all the more realistic in Rick and Morty, because they are complete assholes to each other.
Le restart of Le Chinese Civil War 1 comments
· 1 year ago
The more that I read about it, the more that it kind of seems to me like a dick punch to the Chinese people.
"Mad Jack" Churchill was actually a terrible officer 1 comments
· 1 year ago
oh god, the absolute worst. a badass through and through but he should have never been allowed to lead his men.
Nuke mcdonalds for raising their prices (stop eating at mcdonalds by the way it's bad for 2 comments
· 1 year ago
i worked there when this was a thing and i remember getting two crispy bbq snack wraps and a McDouble for my lunch for like $4.16. God that was great. it’s embarrassing how pricey it’s gotten, it used to be the cheap quick alternative and now it’s almost more expensive than 5 Guys Burgers And Fries.