Do I cut him off or? 1 comments
· 1 year ago
even better- they fired pistols at each other.
Testosterone is a social construct 3 comments
The British did not think this through 1 comments
· 1 year ago
the unfortunate Pals units… entire communities slaughtered in battles like Ypres, Verdun and the Somme.
14 years ago 2 comments
· 1 year ago
Your mother is a (Bleep) (Bleep) (Bleep)-ing (Bleep) lorem ipsum (Bleep) (Bleep) (Bleep) Admitumvenium (Bleep) (Bleep) (Bleep) (Bleep) treguna (Bleep) (Bleep) (Bleep) (Bleep) (Bleep) (Bleep) hippopotamus (Bleep) (Bleep) (Bleep) (Bleep) (Bleep) Republican (Bleep) (Bleep)-ing Daniel Radcliffe (Bleep) (Bleep) (Bleep) (Bleep) with a bucket of (Bleep) (Bleep) (Bleep) (Bleep) in a castle far away where no one can hear you (Bleep) (Bleep) (Bleep) (Bleep) (Bleep) (Bleep) (Bleep) soup (Bleep) (Bleep) (Bleep) with a bucket of (Bleep) (Bleep) Mickey Mouse (Bleep) (Bleep) with a stick of dynamite (Bleep) magical (Bleep) (Bleep) (Bleep) Alakazam!!! (Taken from the Fandom Page lol)
Edited 1 year ago
Testosterone is a social construct 3 comments
· 1 year ago
i read somewhere that this is common as T-levels are often attributed to the degree of stress you experience in life, and that as the world (for many) gets easier over time, relatively speaking, the more successful and affluent you are the lower your T-levels are, and you end up having lower levels than generations before you.
Maths problems man 3 comments
· 1 year ago
my very first thought is what must it smell like in there. bananas, obviously, but to what intensity?
I think it already begun 1 comments
· 1 year ago
we laugh here but some variation of this has been in use since WW2, wherein the training period for new US troops especially towards the end of the war was less than 10 weeks. even in Ukraine, they’ve been using YouTube videos to fill any gaps in the training of their volunteers.
Four wheels? Two wheels? Why, those just sound so impractical 1 comments
· 1 year ago
this made me think of the Century Trilogy by Ken Follett, and it follows the lives of several families from the 1910’s to the early 1970’s, taking place in Europe, the States, and the USSR during the great changes of these places, and in it there is a woman named Ethel Leckwith, born in 1894, who in her lifetime went from a mining town in Wales with horse drawn carriage to get around, and few (if any) cars or trucks, owned only by the wealthy, to the age of nuclear arms, television sets, jet planes and transatlantic air travel, desegregation (not there in the book yet but i believe) the moon missions, in her 75 years… it’s astounding all that has changed in such a very short time in history. and reading it from the perspective of one woman’s journey through two world wars, the Cold War, civil unrest, and more is breathtaking. i recommend it to anyone!!
The best naval force in history? Can we agree? 1 comments
· 1 year ago
i’m partial to the US Navy, which i believe has certainly earned its honor, but the British Navy has for centuries been a force to be reckoned with.
Edited 1 year ago
People in 1913 1 comments
Hard pill for some to swallow lol 1 comments
I just failed a psychological test about this image 1 comments
· 1 year ago
i think i failed too but i’m trying to figure out what the hell else it could be.
Just saying .. 13 comments
· 1 year ago
see i’m pro gun and i’m absolutely i favor of this. it’s like driving a car; there’s layers of responsibility on the part of the vehicle owner and society as a whole to establish rules and a system to support their use. in the case of firearms, a federalized set of regulations, enforced background checks, red flag laws, mandatory reporting of arrests and charges by federal, state and local law enforcement agencies, required standardized firearms safety training and publicly funded and accessible mental health care that reports if an individual is a mental health risk is all necessary if we are to support the 2nd amendment… it sure would be nice, anyway. might make going to school a little safer for my kids. who knows.
Mecca, new orleans, mexico city 1 comments
It's all cumming together 3 comments
Please note that 'Saving Private Ryan' is still one of the best films about the Second 1 comments
· 1 year ago
it wasn’t about the dramatic battle, it was about what he had fought for already, how far he had come, and the men he would be leaving to die. the brotherhood that he would be leaving behind.
Big brain time right here 1 comments
· 1 year ago
well, we did take the brunt of the Pacific… The brunt of Normandy… Were mostly responsible for the invasion of Sicily and Italy… supplied arms to all of the allies including the Russians during the lend lease program… I mean yeah the rest of the allies did definitely suffer greater casualties and fight for longer than the US, but we did our fair share.
Awaken! My Banger openings 1 comments
· 1 year ago
umm… Spy X Family? Cowboy Bebop? missing a few gems here… good stuff overall, though!
Edited 1 year ago
At this point, I’m too afraid to ask 2 comments
· 1 year ago
i think it’s generically referred to as an orgy? or a three- four- or five-some?
either way some would call it a great time *finger guns*
either way some would call it a great time *finger guns*