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You are doing it right. It is 2015, not 1915 103 comments
pastywhitegirl · 9 years ago
yeah way to misrepresent feminism guest...
if you ever say that someone's opinion doesn't matter that isn't representing the idea of equality which is literally the whole point of feminism...
Enchanted. 13 comments
pastywhitegirl · 9 years ago
yes i know about it oodi. i also refuse to accept it
Tiny starfish 11 comments
pastywhitegirl · 9 years ago
aqua... AQUA....
Enchanted. 13 comments
pastywhitegirl · 9 years ago
watching grey's right now
"Where is everyone?!" 8 comments
pastywhitegirl · 9 years ago
i thought they were cookies in the oven and there was a lone chick
Joe dirt 6 comments
pastywhitegirl · 9 years ago
joe dirt. a la the title
I love tumblr 18 comments
pastywhitegirl · 9 years ago
"it's just a phrase"
I see what you did they're 6 comments
pastywhitegirl · 9 years ago
Exciting news: you can now say "can" to refer to permission instead of only ability. The definition was added to the dictionary
And the winner of a lifetime supply of condoms is 13 comments
pastywhitegirl · 9 years ago
to the person that down voted me:
that was a reference to the movie/play vitalstatistix was referencing
The world would probably become a better place 28 comments
pastywhitegirl · 9 years ago
he supposedly is trying to turn his life around?
Seriously people!! 53 comments
pastywhitegirl · 9 years ago
ur so special!!! how unique!!!! you dont like 1D??? ur not like the other girls!!!1
That guy far in the background 3 comments
pastywhitegirl · 9 years ago
Its so sad sometimes 16 comments
pastywhitegirl · 9 years ago
remembers "The First Time" ft. Dylan O'Brien
Lovely Tumblr 11 comments
pastywhitegirl · 9 years ago
im sorry
Lovely Tumblr 11 comments
pastywhitegirl · 9 years ago
i said it was a ROM-com
Lovely Tumblr 11 comments
pastywhitegirl · 9 years ago
my friend and I found a mitt romney-barack obama one..
The Difference between DC and Marvel 13 comments
pastywhitegirl · 9 years ago
overreact much? chill hatman
Meanwhile on subway … 7 comments
pastywhitegirl · 9 years ago
Choose a number 77 comments
pastywhitegirl · 9 years ago
"why don't i post the number I picked that will be an original and unique comment" --all of you, apparently
The actual Canadian provinces. 13 comments
pastywhitegirl · 9 years ago
no there's a song "fifty nifty united states" that I learned that lists all of the states in alphabetical order. I thought they might have learned it too...
Humans can be very cruel sometimes 42 comments
pastywhitegirl · 9 years ago
but just because bad things are happening everywhere doesn't mean that the legal system should turn a blind eye to it? Animal cruelty is a crime, and we can't say like "oh yeah you robbed that guy but we won't prosecute because we want to help feed the homeless" you have to be able to punish people for breaking laws if they are broken that is what they were established for...
Rabbit you sick bastard 5 comments
pastywhitegirl · 9 years ago
Spamalot anyone?
The actual Canadian provinces. 13 comments
pastywhitegirl · 9 years ago
did you learn the song?
Ay math jokes 11 comments
pastywhitegirl · 9 years ago
Hey look at that there are answers!!!!