I looted this picture 31 comments
· 9 years ago
If someone in my family or I know gets murdered and corrupt cops try to cover it up you best fucking believe I'm going to fucking riot. I'll riot all over your fucking asses. Fuck your corrupt ass system and corrupt ass politicians. These riots are bringing light to a bigger issue and if you can't see that YOU are part of the problem. Open your eyes people.
Truth 65 comments
· 9 years ago
No my diapers full from all the bullshit you people keep feeding me.
Shampoo I hope those are vegan cookies lol.
Shampoo I hope those are vegan cookies lol.
Truth 65 comments
· 9 years ago
Oh no not illuminati are you going to ban me? I'm so scared. I can guarantee I'm older than you. And I can say whatever the fuck I want. You say faggot right?
Truth 65 comments
· 9 years ago
Cool. Idgaf. This is a meme site wtf do I care about credibility with a bunch of strangers? Oh and your mom
Truth 65 comments
· 9 years ago
Yeah calling someone a faggot is an adult thing to say. And I'm not 12 nice try.
Truth 65 comments
· 9 years ago
Dumbest shit I've ever heard. yeah other animals don't have the ability to make food, some animals are herbivores. Don't tell me because animals eat other animals it's ok for you to do it. I thought you were an intelligent human on top of the food chain... And yet you compare yourself to an animal.
Truth 65 comments
· 9 years ago
Not illuminati you're so tough behind a keyboard. Yay we all figured out I'm a vegan! I'm not telling anyone how to live their life I'm stating my opinion on the post. You don't like it? Idgaf. Eating animals is wrong plain and simple. All life is precious. If something is fighting to live it deserves to live, just like any of you would if you were in line to get slaughtered. You would fight. These animals don't want to die.
Truth 65 comments
· 10 years ago
People who eat meat do not respect an animals life, Human life idk. Since people say to kill the animal "humanly" how does one kill a person "humanly"? There isn't a "humane" way because its called murder.
Truth 65 comments
· 10 years ago
Well one religions a joke and two it's not the same thing. They don't care about the animals life they don't eat it because "God" says so. Vegans respect life and we have empathy towards those who suffer animal or human.
I never knew she's a beauty until 15 comments
· 10 years ago
Why are people so hyped about her singing? Isn't that her profession? That's what she gets millions of dollars for. I would hope she can hit a note.
· 10 years ago
Most of it is from experience actually. I'm not an insecure woman, maybe guys just aren't into me idk. I've been told I'm beautiful and gorgeous, how can I be single, to even having a guy tell me that I might be the one lol and yet I'm still single. I can't help but think I'm always getting played.
Check out this beard compilation! 15 comments
Watch These Elephants Dance To A Girl's Violin 1 comments
· 10 years ago
So beautiful. Animals are so intelligent. I wish people would stop exploiting them.