Good job cnn 25 comments
· 9 years ago
Thanks :)
Good job cnn 25 comments
· 9 years ago
This comment section is waaaayyy off. Are you really offended by the word cracker? You're offended that you're being called a food item? I'm white and being called cracker, mayo, Becky whatever else is not at all comparable to the n word. I would be more offended if someone called me a bitch than a cracker. And FYI reverse racism is not real.
Black people don't have a choice 31 comments
· 9 years ago
A preference is liking one over the other, not completely excluding it all together. saying you prefer to date Asians or Hispanics is not racist. Saying you don't date a certain race is. Because think about it, what other reason besides skin color or a specific trait to that race is why you don't date them, that is the definition of racist. Saying "preference" is a nice way of people trying not to sound racist but if you can't even use a word correctly and hide behind it I can guarantee you're a racist.
Please share. Someone out there might need this. 68 comments
· 9 years ago
It's a culture because you're one of MANY who find someone being fucked against their will, saying no and wanting it to stop, funny.
Please share. Someone out there might need this. 68 comments
· 9 years ago
Hey look at garlog proving my point that rape culture exists. Congrats douche bag for being a hypocrite.
Lauren Southern clashes with feminists at sl*tWalk 20 comments
· 9 years ago
Well first off, where are all of serosans comments? And second I wasn't comparing rape to murder HE was if you knew how to read you would see I made that to be a dumb point. Are you 13 as well? Since your mind is so small I'll do you the favor of elaborating and waste my fucking time cause you can't read. So if curtis Lepore wasn't proven guilty by the court of law that means she wasn't raped? Are you blaming the victim? Ok... Rape culture. Rape jokes murder jokes yes I've heard them are you saying you haven't just like serosan hasn't supposedly? Google rape meme... Well did you? My shit ain't lacking toddler.
Lauren Southern clashes with feminists at sl*tWalk 20 comments
· 9 years ago
I don't want the last word. I want you to give me sufficient evidence. And you're lacking. You're getting mad over what? Fucking facts? You're getting mad because I'm showing you proof? Lol you're very ignorant.
Lauren Southern clashes with feminists at sl*tWalk 20 comments
· 9 years ago
Lol why you mad? Lmao is saying fuck you supposed to hurt my feelings? Hahahaha Like I stated... Those are a FEW of MANY examples. "Rape is sad and all that" you clearly should get educated on the matter when you obviously don't know a thing. If it were to happen to your mother, sister, aunt, grandmother, you would see things differently. A politician is someone who represents the fucking people! If they're making statements that make rape not a big fucking deal THATS A FUCKING PROBLEM!! And you are really fucking stupid because culture is not a way of life (I said earlier Google is a great tool). Who am I arguing with a fucking 13 year old? You are so dumb it's hard to keep myself from laughing.
Lauren Southern clashes with feminists at sl*tWalk 20 comments
· 9 years ago
I gave you a few examples of the MANY things that entail rape culture. Don't get frustrated because you're wrong. Come on prove me wrong, but you can't so it's cool. Keep living in your bubble.
Edited 9 years ago
Lauren Southern clashes with feminists at sl*tWalk 20 comments
· 9 years ago
Ok I know science is in everything but what does it have to do with this? You lost me there. Right... Let's compare murder to rape. See the difference is the victim is still alive and convicting a rapist isn't the same as a murderer. Jessie smiles was raped by Curtis Lepore and I don't see him serving jail time... He got community service and probation. Is that justice for a victim!? Because taking someone's life is a more serious crime, right? If you say you hear people joke about murder but not about rape you're a fucking liar. Have you ever heard "dont drop the soap" that's rape culture. The song blurred lines IS about rape! Murdock and Santorum; their views on rape is rape culture. Google rape meme and you'll see rape culture. you're right we're not obsessing over it but we're also not saying all those things I stated above are wrong. People accept it as if it's no big deal, when it is and it's not funny.
Lauren Southern clashes with feminists at sl*tWalk 20 comments
· 9 years ago
Yes I have and was almost a victim myself. Luckily I had my friend on the phone, some aren't as lucky as me. Scientific proof? There's no science involved in this. umm just go on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, tumblr. Rape culture is accepted in everyday life and that is the problem. Just because this woman doesn't see it and you don't either does not mean it's not there. And if you're "sure as hell it happens on a daily basis" and are "also sure that men are affected" why deny it? Why be purposely ignorant?
Lauren Southern clashes with feminists at sl*tWalk 20 comments
· 9 years ago
I wouldn't consider that knowledge. And yes I am 100% with the feminists. And just like her you obviously don't know anything about rape or rape culture. Google is a wonderful tool. Or maybe speak to women who have been through some shit to understand. Has she ever met anyone who has been raped or sexually assaulted? If she has I don't think she would so ignorant. And rape culture isn't just about women, it very much so affects men. Just because it hasn't happened to you or anyone you know doesn't mean it doesn't happen on a daily basis.
Lauren Southern clashes with feminists at sl*tWalk 20 comments
· 9 years ago
Did you watch the video...? She has no idea what she's talking about, she's so flustered when she talks, she went there with the purpose to start shit. Instead of educating herself on the issue at hand. She's dumb.
This makes me really sad 9 comments
· 9 years ago
yeah that's because you stole his family. If you know anything about animals which clearly you don't. They travel in packs or herds. That's why he wouldn't leave dumbass. And what do you steal camels for? To use for entertainment or slavery?
Edited 9 years ago
This makes me really sad 9 comments
· 9 years ago
No it's a zoo. That's their inside enclosure. I went to the zoo about 3 years ago when they had a baby giraffe and they kept them inside so people can see the baby up close... It was a very nice day out too. And it's not at all that big especially if they have multiple animals, not like it would be in the wild.
Oh, that male privilege of mine! 48 comments
I looted this picture 31 comments
· 9 years ago
I'm sorry but black people aren't the only race that riot. And if you take a look back they riot for a reason. White people riot over dumb shit like a fucking hockey game or a pumpkin festival. Don't believe me do some fucking research. And for you to make an ignorant statement that this is why black people are stereotyped as being violent is blowing my mind. Society today is so fucking sheltered from reality it really boggles my mind. Don't believe all you see in the media sweetie. As if a white person isn't capable of being violent, get the fuck out of here. I'm done talking to you. Fucking ignorant.
I looted this picture 31 comments
· 9 years ago
I don't agree with you. At first before I knew about the whole issue, I too thought this was insane. But because of these riots I understood why this was happening. So you think damaged property is more important than someone's life? Just because you're a stranger to someone doesn't mean you can't stand up for what is right. I know some of the people rioting and looting were doing it for their own benefit, I won't deny that. But just like any cause there are those who ruin it for others. These riots are a small price to pay for what has been happening for years.
I looted this picture 31 comments
· 9 years ago
Oh look the anonymous racist pussy. If this were to happen to someone you care about I doubt you would just sit by quiet while corrupt cops hide behind their badge. These riots made me want to research into this issue, so they did have an affect on people. And obviously they made progress those cops have been indicted. If your car is more valuable to you then someone's life, Then you are definetly what is wrong in this world. If I had the choice of getting my property destroyed to save someone I would.
I looted this picture 31 comments
· 9 years ago
They should have had insurance, their own fault. But we can make up scenarios all day the fact of the matter is you can replace a car or get it fixed but Freddie Gray will not see another day.