I panicked and made a Canada shrine 13 comments
· 8 years ago
Canada's prime minister isn't any better tbh
Edited 8 years ago
This bench is a challenge 53 comments
Back in the days of one race emojis 8 comments
This dog is turning into a pancake 6 comments
Thought this was interesting 59 comments
· 9 years ago
A racist, murdering KKK member could get into heaven IF they accepted Jesus and IF they repented for what they had done in the past. Jesus died to wash us of our sins so that everything that we had done in the past didn't matter. But he can only do that if we accept him and ask him to do it for us. It's like this: A washcloth is can wash dirt off of you, but it's not going to do that if you just sit their watching it. You have to actually use it in order for it to clean you. This may seem harsh, but atheists are the people sitting there watching the washcloth and not using it. Since no one who has not been cleansed can sit in God's presence, they will not be able to go Heaven. I know that sounds harsh and I don't mean to offend anybody, but that's the simple truth. Before using the point of Jesus eating with sinners and letting everyone in to Heaven, you have to remember that those sinners also accepted Jesus and Jesus cleansed them. Sorry if this offends anyone, I really don't mean to
Thought this was interesting 59 comments
· 9 years ago
Yeah Hell is really just the burning lake of sulfur that it says people who don't accept Jesus will be thrown in to. It never really says that immediately when people die bad people will go to hell and good people will go to heaven.
Oh... 16 comments
· 9 years ago
Bush was known for being able to take a joke. On the other hand, being able to joke is not what makes you a "good president". A good president should actually know how to deal in international affairs and defend our country. A good president does not play golf while people are videoing themselves beheading and crucifying other people. A good president, after seeing one of those videos, would fly back to the White House and sit down with the secretary of defense to talk about how to stop the problem, instead of laughing and continuing to the 12th hole. Downvote me all you want, but that's how I feel
The face of innocence 6 comments