Not all actresses are dumb 7 comments
· 9 years ago
My most favourite interview ever: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dIu_6u0VlwU
i can relate so much it's ridiculous 6 comments
· 9 years ago
Well I already have an interest in Greek mythology so it sounds pretty much perfect! Thanks so much! And if I ever meet someone who doesn't like adventure, sass, amazing plot and marvellous characters then I may just have to slap them!
Worked up a sweat 2 comments
· 9 years ago
I really don't think there is any other way to do it! I don't mind being a latecomer to a new series cause you don't have to wait for every single episode...you can just an waste entire weekend in one sitting!
i can relate so much it's ridiculous 6 comments
· 9 years ago
I'm looking for a new set of books to waste my free time with..is Percy Jackson good?
You can donate anything 6 comments
Giant fossil of a seahorse 8 comments
· 9 years ago
A seahorse would never get to that size these days because we just like killing things too much.
Relationship goals 4 comments
· 9 years ago
Super cute! I wonder if he used to dink her on his bike when they were younger too?
Rekt 22 comments
· 9 years ago
And Romney keeps the conversation going by bringing up useless, irrelevant information? Obama is far from a playground bully, he's simply pointing out the obvious with a dash of sarcasm.
Rekt 22 comments
· 9 years ago
Hard for him not to when Mitt Romney is a total dumbass. At least he can hold a conversation.
He's everywhere 20 comments
· 9 years ago
Dude we're everywhere! We are the Obamas of the world, we pop up without you even realising it!
He's everywhere 20 comments
· 9 years ago
I'm 27 and I still don't know much about politicos! I used to hate politics, and basically followed whatever my parents said. I try to educate myself a bit more now, my parents hate asylum seekers because of what we are fed via the media (the bulk of which is controlled by the Murdoch family, who have close ties with Abbott), but through Facebook pages supporting them and my own reading, both books and internet, I feel like I've come to my own opinions.
14 is a good age to start becoming aware of things, and knowing our PM is a twat is a great first step! Haha!
14 is a good age to start becoming aware of things, and knowing our PM is a twat is a great first step! Haha!
He's everywhere 20 comments
· 9 years ago
Thanks morrelli707, I have to say it fills me with hope that I've got a few likes on my comments, and I loooove the idea of an Abbott-proof fence! Sometimes I think things will never change, but I want change, and I know younger generations want to build a stronger and more united Australia. Abbott only seemed to get things done through fear mongering and bullying tactics (if you don't agree to my university fee changes I'll cut funding to science and research), but people are starting to find their voices and stand up. It's great to see!
He's everywhere 20 comments
· 9 years ago
Sorry for my rant. It's been building up for a while and could no longer be contained.
He's everywhere 20 comments
· 9 years ago
And the worst part about that is Tony Abbott has a lesbian sister and still refuses to accept her, or gay marriage as a possibility for our country!
I might add that his refusal to let our country become a powerhouse of the green movement frustrates me too, climate change is real and we could do SO much! But no, let's remove the Climate Change board (can't remember their actual title, sorry) and make no investments or improvements to the future. He is going to leave our country in a worse shape than when he left it. But he stopped te boats. His one liner that he thinks saves him. He may have stopped the boats but he is now responsible for the sexual assaults, suicides and murder of Reza Barati that occurred on Manus Island. Under his leadership. He holds Labour to all their faults under their leadership, I'd like to see him step up and own his own. Unlikely.
I might add that his refusal to let our country become a powerhouse of the green movement frustrates me too, climate change is real and we could do SO much! But no, let's remove the Climate Change board (can't remember their actual title, sorry) and make no investments or improvements to the future. He is going to leave our country in a worse shape than when he left it. But he stopped te boats. His one liner that he thinks saves him. He may have stopped the boats but he is now responsible for the sexual assaults, suicides and murder of Reza Barati that occurred on Manus Island. Under his leadership. He holds Labour to all their faults under their leadership, I'd like to see him step up and own his own. Unlikely.
He's everywhere 20 comments
· 9 years ago
Aussies love him. Obama is a pretty cool guy, especially when compared to our total creep prime minister.
Hop in, I can show you the world 10 comments
Best parents ever 8 comments
· 9 years ago
That is a great looking dad. I love pictures of people with a genuine smile/laugh. Gorgeous!
That's why people call him Radcliffe 13 comments
· 9 years ago
Just when I thought I couldn't love him and his delicious asshole any more than I already do.
How Bedtime Looks When You're An Adult 5 comments
Hope this is helpful :) 13 comments
· 9 years ago
This is so good but also so bad. I have like $40 worth of books already in my cart. Eek!