Confession Bear 8 comments
· 11 years ago
Wow.... I might do that once!
Saw this on facebook 16 comments
I don't get why it's such a big thing... 22 comments
I don't get why it's such a big thing... 22 comments
· 11 years ago
well, I thought about that, but I don't care about Mgoveia, I care that people rage and bitch everywhere, getting quite lame, (-;
Well.... shit.... 10 comments
· 11 years ago
I apologize for my lack of correctly spelling, but not everyone in this fucked up planet, have english as main language.
Most delicious cookie 15 comments
Road disaster 5 comments
If unicorns were real, they would be magical 10 comments
Super Cow 13 comments
· 11 years ago
I made a project about this and got A. The cow is a mutation, alone breeded to make more meat for us humans. Its called a Belgian Blue Cow (or bull) - This breed can't give birth, only by cesarean (cutting the baby out) and we still breed this types of cows - Which I honestly think is animal abuse/cruelty. We exploit so many animals alone for our own good, without thinking about the animals. I apologize for my bad english, i'm not perfect.
Only on facebook 27 comments
Only on facebook 27 comments
· 11 years ago
I don't see it as murder if the baby is not born. I hate people who just use abortion for 1st choice, instead of actually using damn protection, but example rape, I personally think it's acceptable. Imagine carrying around a burden, something that reminds you of the rape each day in 9 months. What if the girl is 12 ? You wanna force a 12 year old to give birth to a child? Even tho it probably happened somewhere. But hey, people have rights to have their own opinion, so don't hate me for accepting abortion in some cases. I was born myself because my mother felt like it was killing someone :-)