Daily dose of NOPE Day 2 16 comments
· 8 years ago
Kill it with fire!
This breaks my heart 6 comments
· 8 years ago
It breaks my heart because the Disney world characters are never ever allowed to break character, so he'll think he failed.
Jason... what even. 13 comments
Only one left 10 comments
· 8 years ago
And then it snaps when you try to fix your hair that has been up all day :(
Call me old fashioned but 36 comments
· 9 years ago
Things like this make me sad. I did everything "right" the first time. We waited until we were married to live together and have a child, dated for 6 years (I was 24 when we wed), and tried to be forgivi ng of his faults. Unfortunately, when you do it this way, you don't truly know the person you are getting married to, because until you live together there are always things that are hidden. There are some things that can't be forgiven, and people shouldn't be made to feel like a failure when they end a marriage because the other person is not who they fell in love with. My ex hit me so often that I couldn't leave the house for fear of the stares and questions I'd get. It took giving birth to a little girl to realize that I didn't want her to think that this type of relationship was okay, and left so she would always know that it is okay to end things with someone who is unkind to you. Now that I'm in a good relationship, I still can't bring myself to get married again.
use better titles for more likes & shares!! 6 comments
· 9 years ago
I actually laughed so hard at the casserole one that I had to leave a room so people would stop telling me to shhhhh
So true 20 comments
· 9 years ago
The markers aren't fool proof, people wash the ink off of ones and turn them into twenties all the time.
So true 20 comments
· 9 years ago
I worked in banking for years, and 95% of the counterfeit money that we sent off came through from fast food restaurants. They typically order a small thing during a bust time and get the majority back in change.
Anna Kendrick and Mark Zuckerberg 7 comments
· 9 years ago
Jesse Eisenberg was in zombie land and played Mark Zuckerberg in an unflattering movie about the founding of Facebook.
My reaction when vegans admit they eat fish 24 comments
· 9 years ago
Not at all. In fact, I cook meat all the time for my children because I don't believe this is a choice I should make for them :)
My reaction when vegans admit they eat fish 24 comments
· 9 years ago
@guest - nope, I meant vegan. I don't eat any other animal products, no eggs, dairy, etc.
@vodka - I stopped eating animal products for health reasons, mainly that my body doesn't break down that type of protein very well. Fish doesn't bother me in the same way, and it is delicious! In fact, once a year or so I'll break down and have some hot wings or something as a treat :)
@vodka - I stopped eating animal products for health reasons, mainly that my body doesn't break down that type of protein very well. Fish doesn't bother me in the same way, and it is delicious! In fact, once a year or so I'll break down and have some hot wings or something as a treat :)
My reaction when vegans admit they eat fish 24 comments
· 9 years ago
Exactly! This is how I eat (for health reasons, I'm definitely not the "spot the vegan" crazy preacher) but when explaining to people when I go to a restaurant or a new house for dinner, it can be tricking because not everyone knows what a pescatarian is. It's easier to just say "I'm a vegan that eats fish" because people know what that means.
When cashiers do this 10 comments
· 9 years ago
I used to be a banker and frankly, I just didn't want to touch your hands. I don't know where they've been, and that's saying something because money is filthy.
It feels weird 25 comments
· 9 years ago
Yes. This. Totally creeps me out and my s.o. does this with his kids from his first marriage. He's been banned from doing it with our one year old!
Uncomfortable things can happen to anyone of us 20 comments
· 9 years ago
The guitar pick one is a true annoyance. There's a ridge on the inside around the sound hole that makes it a biotch, even with upside down shaking.