Effie Belle


— Effie Belle Report User
You may consider yourself cool 8 comments
pigglypuff · 11 years ago
i laughed a little too much at this. i just kept picturing someone standing in a corner incessantly ringing a bell. :D
Crap 9 comments
pigglypuff · 11 years ago
it almost feels like he's sighing fml at the end
Rick Santorum gets owned 21 comments
pigglypuff · 11 years ago
i don't want to argue either but... i suppose it depends on what you mean by "us." when i think of Santorum, i think of the far right, and their thoughts that "reparative therapy" works on homosexuality although it has lead some to depression and even suicide. yes, it's not directly murdering someone and in the end, it's the person's choice if they commit suicide, but these groups aren't totally blameless either. however, maybe you meant "us" as in just pro-life supporters & not far right supporters, so then nm. i'm just not sure :)
Has to be done 43 comments
pigglypuff · 11 years ago
yes, the way it was going i was expecting "leis" instead of "lies" near the end, since i thought they were interchanging i and e on purpose after seeing "peice." nope :\
I Love Food(: 10 comments
pigglypuff · 11 years ago
the light when it hits her ring...