

idk m8
pingers Report User
"I'm the smart one motherf*cker!" 6 comments
pingers · 8 years ago
woah lets keep this pg 13
What's that criminal doing on the street 2 comments
pingers · 8 years ago
ayyy Adelaide :p
England in one picture 13 comments
pingers · 8 years ago
what is WKD?
How has he not been usurped? 18 comments
pingers · 8 years ago
How has he not been usurped? 18 comments
pingers · 8 years ago
@itsamemaria Wait wait wait, sin is a bad thing for us. In your terms, it is doing something bad to hurt someone which if done a lot, would send you to hell. We just dont believe that hell is a real place, therefore sin isnt real but doing bad things to hurt others is something we look down upon.
2 · Edited 8 years ago
How has he not been usurped? 18 comments
pingers · 8 years ago
i swear if he actually said this, he would be my favourite person even though im against religion in general.
Badass danish girl, 1969...Wait for it 4 comments
pingers · 8 years ago
i dont really get why she pushed him into the ditch? didnt seem like he was assaulting her?
Why doesn't this happen to me 14 comments
pingers · 8 years ago
Why do people do it though? is it because they do not plan on having children in the future or is it like a religious/cultural thing?
Why doesn't this happen to me 14 comments
pingers · 8 years ago
What is the point of a vasectomy?
My only friends are internet friends 7 comments
pingers · 8 years ago
dat true
This came out 10 years ago 7 comments
pingers · 8 years ago
they also referenced slavery lol
dayum 7 comments
pingers · 8 years ago
i rarely laugh, i just puff my nose but got me you sick son of a bitch
How to survive a bear attack 23 comments
pingers · 8 years ago
Well at least one of them seems to be very angry over something so small.
How to survive a bear attack 23 comments
pingers · 8 years ago
No, Colour of the animal does not determine the behaviour you should use when engaging an animal. If you believe in something like that, you would have to be insanely stupid. Well someone else is downvoting mine for no reason other than it triggers them. Wonder who that is.
How to survive a bear attack 23 comments
pingers · 8 years ago
Its called being realistic. You would have to be incredibly stupid to come up with a rhyme like that. Unless of course its for a stale meme.
How to survive a bear attack 23 comments
pingers · 8 years ago
What do you mean? i just posted a few sentences which is pretty minimum for an argument but from your standards is pretty above average. Also you are trying to prolong this argument by asking me why i made a big deal out of it even though i accepted my mistake.
· Edited 8 years ago
How to survive a bear attack 23 comments
pingers · 8 years ago
Actually your right. I just realised that no one would ever say this without them running into a bear or animal of some kind. The rhyme still wont save you though.
How to survive a bear attack 23 comments
pingers · 8 years ago
if you go up to a group of people and say that without saying its about animals, what would happen? assuming they dont know that rhyme,
How to survive a bear attack 23 comments
pingers · 8 years ago
dude, im very far from sjw. im just saying that when used in the wrong context can trigger people.
How to survive a bear attack 23 comments
pingers · 8 years ago
sounds a little racist when used in the wrong context so i dont recommend using that
I was very lucky, I owe it all to my brother 7 comments
pingers · 8 years ago
Yup, so are worm faeces.
This makes me uncomfortable 4 comments
pingers · 8 years ago
im going to show this to my friend who has a really big crush on emma watson and see his world come crashing down
I have nothing against boobies 22 comments
pingers · 8 years ago
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I was very lucky, I owe it all to my brother 7 comments
pingers · 8 years ago
My big sister used to eat dirt when she was a toddler, my mum just watched
I was very lucky, I owe it all to my brother 7 comments
pingers · 8 years ago
its a joke, the brother told him to eat dirt three times a day