

Secretly Canadian
pizzaforpresident Report User

Queen Elizabeth II, serving as a mechanic and truck driver during WWII

Queen Elizabeth II, serving as a mechanic and truck driver during WWII

So Google made a new phone

So Google made a new phone

The Persistance of Memory latte art

The Persistance of Memory latte art

Why watch a horror movie when you could watch the 2016 US presidential election

Why watch a horror movie when you could watch the 2016 US presidential election

The truth behind Snow White

The truth behind Snow White

I think "subtle" is the worst example of this I've experienced

I think "subtle" is the worst example of this I've experienced

I don't know why I find this so funny

I don't know why I find this so funny

Asking the real questions here

Asking the real questions here

Hello Funsubstance!

Hello Funsubstance!