In Australia we don't say "I love you" we say "slap on a pair of budgie smugglers." I think that's beautiful
— Freya Report User
Storm happening in Australia 6 comments
· 7 years ago
Fellow Bris-vegan?
And a contract, with a video, with a notary, on top of a Bible 8 comments
· 7 years ago
this is stupid - you are trying to say verbal consent is excessive which it is not, its actually very important to preventing misscommunication and rape
Don't be the third person to light 5 comments
The TL;DR guide. 7 comments
What makes a man happy? 9 comments
Class in the past 14 comments
· 7 years ago
Lots of references to the "class" of the 50's. Haha... let's just gloss over the discrimination against African Americans, because you know, that was classy at the time too. Hahah....
Thing 18 comments
· 7 years ago
Sport > TV shows. Point proven (sun glass emoji using brackets and colons and shit that I can't do)
I don't condone that behavior 18 comments
· 7 years ago
Actually, this woman probably dodged a bullet. So congrats guest, you saved this woman a marriage with a selfish, small minded twit.
I don't condone that behavior 18 comments
· 7 years ago
Except. Except. This person did not have sex with anyone. It wasn't with a family member or friend. It was with a stripper....someone who dirty dances for a living....someone who did it literally for cash. Someone she will never meet again. And they pashed. Not a big deal. Not something to ruin a relationship over.
I don't condone that behavior 18 comments
· 7 years ago
She made out with a stripper. At her bachelorette's party. She didn't go on a date or have a secret boyfriend. The stripper has zero feelings for her. The bride to be has zero feelings for the stripper. It's a dumb move but still, to cancel a whole wedding over one pash? A bit stupid.
I don't condone that behavior 18 comments
Complete nonsense 3 comments
· 7 years ago
That make sense it just has poor grammar. "Prosperity tries the fortunate. Adversity, tries the great." It means is something bad happens to you it makes you great if you overcome it.
In Case You've Never Seen It Before 3 comments
· 7 years ago
I got confused by the caption. I thought behind as in the other side of the cinema screen. It's cool you can chill mate.
In Case You've Never Seen It Before 3 comments