

“I am exactly what they say I am
I stand for everything that they can't stand
I can't help it I was born this way
But when I'm gone you'll remember my name”

— Pokethebear Report User
But examine everything carefully 2 comments
pokethebear · 6 years ago
I like bible jokes
Makes sense the more you think about it 8 comments
pokethebear · 6 years ago
It’s like a sibling rivalry. The 5 branches will ridicule each other relentlessly, but God have mercy on the kid from the next neighborhood that pokes one of them too hard.
Copious amounts of alcohol 27 comments
pokethebear · 6 years ago
I glad you were able to keep on keeping on though. Some people lose ambition, drive and hope.
Copious amounts of alcohol 27 comments
pokethebear · 6 years ago
Wow, my wife was same duration of chemo and radiation treatment but went from straight hair to curly. Double mastectomy (not eligible for reconstruction), radical hysterectomy, menopause, osteoporosis, intestinal damage from chemo, and pretty severe shoulder tendon damage from radiation. Been 7 years. Sad that any of you have to endure that.
Copious amounts of alcohol 27 comments
pokethebear · 6 years ago
My wife is a breast cancer survivor as well. It was a rough time. How long you been dealing with it?
Hope this clears things up 7 comments
pokethebear · 6 years ago
He is somehow both.
Know the difference 7 comments
pokethebear · 6 years ago
Which players fake injury when an opponent runs by to closely?
I wondered about this myself 4 comments
pokethebear · 6 years ago
Are you mixing characters?
No boobs, but I have a really cute dog and I actually have heterochromia 10 comments
pokethebear · 6 years ago
Oddly that’s usually a Husky trait.
This One Sparks Joy 8 comments
pokethebear · 6 years ago
People suck
I guess he forgot he’s a movie star 50 comments
pokethebear · 6 years ago
Union organizers and officers are forbidden from conducting union business on the company clock. Even in liberal NY. 1A protects you from government infringement on your rights, NOT your employer. The Pledge ruling you cite is a public school ruling, public schools are generally a government entity. If a Tops Markets employee stands at the door and tells every customer that “Tops sucks and you should go to Wegmans” they would and should be fired. The NFL is not a government organization, employees do not get the same protections.
This One Sparks Joy 8 comments
pokethebear · 6 years ago
Wow. Somebody ran through this convo with a red thumb. Weak.
My kind of politics 12 comments
pokethebear · 6 years ago
What? Poaching and Law enforcement animals fall under entirely different areas than animal cruelty. Polluting a waterway and trapping without license are also separate. I thought the potheads were all peace and love and victimless criminals?
Cheat code 4 comments
pokethebear · 6 years ago
Looks like huge tracts of land to me.
Survival of the fitness, boys 6 comments
pokethebear · 6 years ago
On the show it is.
Check on your friends 12 comments
pokethebear · 6 years ago
It is. I miss reading the books to my little girl.
Cheat code 4 comments
pokethebear · 6 years ago
Is the Hulk coming for tea? How do you deny a farmer a permit for an animal shelter?
This One Sparks Joy 8 comments
pokethebear · 6 years ago
There’s rumors of a relationship with Eleven from stranger things.
Copious amounts of alcohol 27 comments
pokethebear · 6 years ago
I got this. No problem.
Check on your friends 12 comments
pokethebear · 6 years ago
Aren’t they all parts of Christopher Robin’s mental illness?
A play in 3 acts 11 comments
pokethebear · 6 years ago
They’re the darlings of the far left sjw
I guess he forgot he’s a movie star 50 comments
pokethebear · 6 years ago
Ultra nationalistic dystopia? Seriously? Come on man. Off the field activism is one thing. Being obstinate while wearing your employer’s uniform is different. Even you should be able to admit that.
I guess he forgot he’s a movie star 50 comments
pokethebear · 6 years ago
Telling somebody to stand for 55 seconds with the rest of the team while somebody sings the anthem and jets roar by overhead is not an unethical directive. You are unnecessarily muddying the waters on this discussion. There are certain behaviors your enolotwr can forbid. You waive your employment by violating the rules in the company handbook. It doesn’t matter if you make $9/hr or $8000/game. You are a representative of that employer while “on the clock” or “in uniform”.
Google is censoring the searches! 12 comments
pokethebear · 6 years ago
Dare I ask?
I guess he forgot he’s a movie star 50 comments
pokethebear · 6 years ago
They are people, entitled to their own opinions, (however wrong they may be) much like Radcliffe. NFL weakened themselves in future negotiations and financially by not (at a minimum) issuing a fine. Whatever. What’s done is done. Millions have stopped purchasing their apparel, thousands have stopped watching altogether.