Canada 6 comments
· 11 years ago
Is he spray painting blood on them?
Feels, man. 97 comments
· 11 years ago
I took the time to read this. I was waitin for a twist, or something, nothing came, I loved it!
The Story Of Kyle 26 comments
The Story Of Kyle 26 comments
· 11 years ago
Of coarse Kyle is a boy! I should have been more clear, I couldn't tell if the friend was a boy, I think so
I know this isn't going to be the funniest post, but people need to know this 22 comments
· 11 years ago
Here's a sad story, I know this girl, I met her at a music camp, she seemed happy and nice and never frowns, as I became good friends with her, I found out that her 2 moms abuse her, she takes depression pills. I also fpund out she has ran away from her home multiple times, and slept on the rrof of her school, she also cut her throught with her nail, held a knife up to her neck, and threatened to kill herself many times. Just last week I didn't hear from her for a week, Untill she texted me that she was in a mental hospital because she overdosed on depression pills... She thanked me for helping her through it all, and claimed it was finally over:D but as time went by she continued harming herself, and haven't stopped to this day. The worst part is that she is only twelve;(
The Story Of Kyle 26 comments
· 11 years ago
I can't tell if the friend is a boy or girl, when I read the email I assumed girl, but now that I think about it... I have no clue
If Simba, Pumbaa and Timon were humans 6 comments
Who are we! 1 comments
Too much irony 10 comments
:x 6 comments
Dangerous weapon 30 comments
· 11 years ago
Dangerous weapon 30 comments
What's Your Heavy Metal Band Name? 60 comments
Which side do you take in a battle of Red vs Blue? 29 comments
· 11 years ago
Red red red...why? Kool aid? No. Mario? No! SANTA CLAUS!!!!!!
Edited 11 years ago