Little girl scream activate 36 comments
· 10 years ago
you know it ;)
Twelve year old's virginity 23 comments
· 10 years ago
i strongly believe that your first time should be with someone you know and care about. it's supposed to be a bonding of the human form, and it's meaningless if it's with someone that just wants to use you or someone you just met. I'm thirteen and I totally agree with barfingrainbows
Finding joy in the daily chores 8 comments
· 10 years ago
da faq is a clothes horse? do people in america keep horses to hang their clothes on?
before and after photoshop selfie 18 comments
I can't draw for shizz but my friend can 9 comments
Playing hide and seek and hear footsteps 13 comments
I guess we're posting art here 4 comments
before and after photoshop selfie 18 comments
Pass me the fridge you stomach shirt 33 comments