Froggo Fun #242 - The Toad of Judgement Frowns upon Your Shenanigans 3 comments
· 4 years ago
Frosted brownie alla toad
Chad Chad 27 comments
· 4 years ago
Yeah. The mad down voter seems to really hate stated facts (opinions too) but never a rebuttal of the facts. Opinions are just opinions but I can't understand the modern hatred of simple facts. I don't really get into conspericy theories , it's just too hard to keep shit a secret, but I am starting to think that the Reds took hold of the colleges and brainwashed a lot of students .lol
Edited 4 years ago
Chad Chad 27 comments
· 4 years ago
Exactly. We need to remind our leaders who they are suppose to be working for. We , as a nation, need to relearn how to debate with respect and not go insane if someone has a differing viewpoint. We should be able to disagree without becoming enemies.
Title of your post 10 comments
· 4 years ago
The Resistance helped save downed allied pilots and tied up a heck of a lot of German troops, disrupted supply trains and really put mental strain on the enemy leadership .
Title of your post 10 comments
Chad Chad 27 comments
· 4 years ago
Fuck you asshole ! That's for @famousone since he can't post right now. You know I love you Guest , lol.
Title of your post 10 comments
· 4 years ago
The French had more, and superior tanks. The Germans had better communications,leadership and strategy. The French used tanks as infantry back up instead of main units , like in WW1.
Changeable useless disturbed Finch 13 comments
· 4 years ago
Jane Fonda, American traitor. The bitch at least has started to admit some wrong, even though she down plays it as foolishness
RIP 57 comments
· 4 years ago
Hmm, so you are libtard ,traitor,demoncat communist or a racist,misogynist,republican cis white male. lol People get way to lost in their devotion to a party that they become blind followers to the end. Makes understand Nazi Germany a whole lot easier.
I know at least one cool furry or maybe he's a brony I don't know 12 comments
· 4 years ago
Sorry. I don't mean to offend , but the gender pronouns are kinda lost on my old ass. Keep beating the abusive fucktards..
Excuse me while I mail my ballot in 58 comments
· 4 years ago
@guest_ and @funkmasterex I didn't break you out of Area 51 to have your asses thrown in the gulag. @famousone I would say its a crap shoot how the military would respond to a coup. Say 50/50 some would have the courage to not follow illegal orders. A general was on the news a few years back explaining why he had the ability to not launch nukes for invalid reasons. By the way hi guys. Politics get pretty heated.
RIP 57 comments
· 4 years ago
Holding breathe, stomping feet, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you. How's that for diplomatic tact ? haha. Shit, that's the way real diplomates have been acting lol
RIP 57 comments
· 4 years ago
I wish that Mark Cuban would have ran for office. I haven't liked a single candidate for over 20 years. 2 party system sucks.
What could go wrong Tailgating 16 comments
· 4 years ago
The first time I watched it ,I thought it was a swan when it turned facing forward
RIP 57 comments
· 4 years ago
@guest_ and @famousone you kids play nice. I think that the whole mask debate/BLM protest and other shit is being revved up by the media for their own gain. The pandemic should be uniting everyone but it has become stupidly devicisive.
RIP 57 comments
What indeed 16 comments
Prezzy Swift has a nice ring to it 9 comments
· 4 years ago
I really did think Trump was joking. I thought he was going to step out it and then it kept going and going. Like the Energizer Rabbit with a nuke on his back.