Follow batman 4 comments
· 7 years ago
I'm pretty sure the tower they were in was partially under water
Because I say so 5 comments
· 7 years ago
We have an event at my school every year where the year 7-9s from each house compete against the others in three drama categories and it's run by the sixth formers. But, I'm the oldest in my group, and lemme tell ya, "I'm an adult and I'm in charge" works when 11 year olds are wasting half the limited time you have with unnecessary arguments
truth is out 7 comments
· 7 years ago
This one is a lot funnier now
This one is a lot funnier now
Thanksgiving dinner by famous artists 5 comments
Why don't you do it 10 comments
· 7 years ago
Actually, mobile phone footage from when the Costa Concordia sank shows that the captain abandoned the ship after causing an accident that killed over thirty people. And there was another one, I can't remember which, where 300 people drowned, mainly high school students and they were able to send final messages to loved ones before they died, and those videos showed the tannoy system telling them not to evacuate, proving the negligence of the staff. AND the reason we have that iconic image of the Titanic sinking is because people were sat in the life boats sketching it sink. People haven't changed, only technology
Pandas are endangered 3 comments
· 7 years ago
My redbubble skirt told me not to run down the street smashing car windows. So I make sure to do it in leggings instead
The fictional hero that we all need 13 comments
· 7 years ago
When did they do this?? I'm not that familiar with the comics outside Young Avengers
Anon share a wholesome story 9 comments
"wishes" art sculpture 7 comments
· 7 years ago
I've been and it's really nice there, I just couldn't remember if that's where I'd seen this statue
If he cheats WITH you, he will cheat ON you. 6 comments
· 7 years ago
Somebody posted this on my group chat a few weeks ago and, because we are all nerds, we got into a huge argument over the historical accuracy. One of my friends said she didn't know why it started with Anne Boleyn and not Catherine of Aragon and everyone else said it did and there was a huge row that went on for a few hours. Turns out she forgot to press on the picture and view the full thing and could only see the second and third pictures!
I don't get it 12 comments
· 7 years ago
I wish I'd been dropped on my head enough times as a child to understand his logic
Ah, tumblr 7 comments
· 7 years ago
In all fairness, you would expect it to be a girl so that person was actually being quite nice