A pedestrian crossing in Africa

A pedestrian crossing in Africa

Saving one kitten at a time

Saving one kitten at a time

Man soap

When I'm in the middle of cuddling with my puppy and he gets up and leaves GIF

When I'm in the middle of cuddling with my puppy and he gets up and leaves

If you can't smell it yet, you will soon

If you can't smell it yet, you will soon

My reaction when I finally corner a spider GIF

My reaction when I finally corner a spider

How people disappear VIDEO

How people disappear

Slow mo of a zildjian cymbal being struck GIF

Slow mo of a zildjian cymbal being struck

They should change the name to satans burgers

They should change the name to satans burgers

dramatic as f*ck VIDEO

dramatic as f*ck
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