[feminism intensifies]

[feminism intensifies]

If you're ever feeling sad

If you're ever feeling sad

Baby birds

Baby birds

When the waiter brings out food, but walks past you to serve it to another table GIF

When the waiter brings out food, but walks past you to serve it to another table

When My roommate's cat likes me more than her GIF

When My roommate's cat likes me more than her

He'd get embarrassed if I straight up told him he stinks

He'd get embarrassed if I straight up told him he stinks

Bad Dog!

One of my friends made a heart-shaped pile of birdseed

One of my friends made a heart-shaped pile of birdseed

When My crush text's me first GIF

When My crush text's me first

Ahh, puns... Happy Earth Day!

Ahh, puns... Happy Earth Day!
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