One of the best examples of artistic integrity on a corporate scale

One of the best examples of artistic integrity on a corporate scale

Walking through the streets of Dubai when suddenly...

Walking through the streets of Dubai when suddenly...

okay theo nice job

okay theo nice job

Dat booty

Dat booty

When people tell me to stay positive about exam results GIF

When people tell me to stay positive about exam results

How I feel when people down vote my posts/comments GIF

How I feel when people down vote my posts/comments

''thats it... Im done...''

''thats it... Im done...''

Hands-Free bathroom

When I fart and my fiancee says its the worst thing she's ever smelled GIF

When I fart and my fiancee says its the worst thing she's ever smelled

Gave my cat a box. She made a few adjustments

Gave my cat a box. She made a few adjustments
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