i agree but will smith is the best they will never be as good as him

i agree but will smith is the best they will never be as good as him

So happy for them <3

So happy for them <3

The message is hard but very clear, every irresponsible action cause an irreparable

The message is hard but very clear, every irresponsible action cause an irreparable

When you’re feeling down and out, REAL friends be like GIF

When you’re feeling down and out, REAL friends be like

whoa I didn't even know

whoa I didn't even know

The 175-pound pit bull that will crush you with kindness

look great to me.

look great to me.

Pun enthusiasts

Pun enthusiasts

Costumes- male versus female

Costumes- male versus female

Something doesnt seem right here GIF

Something doesnt seem right here
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